I was hoping that you were an ameatur

Jun 03, 2004 22:51

SO for work, I'm trying to memorize the different healing properties of various stones.

I'm also learning to read astrology charts, picking up on basic aromatherapy and trying to turn around my perceptions of things.

For example, rather than referring to my place of dwelling as "my apartment," I will (here on out) say, "This is the shrine of creativity and temple of inspiration, my home."

Last night, Lisa and Sarah came over. We made creme brulet (Sarah has a torch) and chocolate cake while I sewed some of my damaged clothes back together. It was a full moon, so ladies night only. But then casey and Jordan arrived in the middle of the night, ending the vagina fiesta. SIGH. Not that it's not always nice to see my widdle jordy-face.

I really really really need a sewing machine. And a voice synthesizer. And a camera. And a button-making machine. And high quality costumes. And more acrylic paint. If any of you readers have any of these items, I'll make trades with you. I have decent guitars, books, statuettes, a nice painting of Georgetown that my mom did in 87, and a double output amp. Or, I can trade labor, too. I'll do gardening, car-washing, henna painting....whatever. Oh, I'll trade CDs, too. The sewing machine is especially desirable, but any of the above items are greatly needed.

So Lisa helped me find the perfect career...one of those sex toy party demonstraters. People will just call me when they want to have a sex toy party, and I show up in knee socks and a sneaky grin, demonstrating dozens of tutorials (not on ME, you gross minds, you) for herds shrieking, bashful young wives.

Can't wait to move out soon. I'm practically COUNTING the days.
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