Yeah, I do still use this thing

Oct 12, 2005 11:00

In the five weeks since I last used this, I havent had th e desire to update. It wasnt like you were posting damanding more any how.

Schoolwise I am doing average to fine at best. I got a perfect score on my one paper, but then failed the only test I have taken thus far. I have a take home test due tomorow, that I havent really started but the Professsor went over all of the questions inn class, so its just a matter of typing up the answes from my notes. Lastly, work wise I have a test next wed, in Law and Human Rights, I hope Dr DOuglas tests in this class like he did in the other class I had him for.

APO has had a lot of ups and downs so far this semester. We have 7 new pledges, and I think they are all great. Some can be a tad frustrating at times but IM sure Amy felt that way about most of my class too. I really wish people would utilize me as chaplin. They voted me in, so they obviously felt I could handle the job, but i keep finding out about issues from second hand sources.

I have joined the ranks of people on Rowan's campus with a facebook group dedicated to them. If you go to Rowan, check out Mean Brandon! The funny thing is every single person in there is actually a friend of mine. Im waiting for the complete strangers join. They only have 18 members, but i have a feeling i can help boost their numbers

I guess i would have to agree with the concensus that I can be mean. For example I let my room mate sleep through his classes in hopes that he flunks out. I also have my fingers crossed that he gets in trouble in some way, and gets assigned community service because I know he wont do it and end up with holds on his account at the registar.

The guy is a total slob. HE acts as though it is a chore for him to do anything that resembles the slightest bit of common decentcy. Although he does take out the trash, but i would gladly take out the trash in exchange for him peeing with the door closed or not leaving food out everywhere.

I have felt like such a lump lately. I only had one class on monday (my 9:25 was cancelled), One class on tuesday (I slept through my 9:25), and I havent done any work beyond reading since friday afternoon
The there is todays schedule. First I had Intro to sociology, which i just can not take someone with the title of Dr. when they say something makes them look "megastupid" or when they continually refer to Law and Order :Special victims UNit as "SUV", not to mention when she said Africa was a country today.

Someone from highscholl started messaging me on facebook last week. I thik I have seen her once or twice around town since graduation. I really enjoy talking with her, its just weird because I never really hung out with her in highschool, although I really did find her to be interesting, we just were from kinda different groups of friends. I just think its cool that she messaged me out of the blue, who knows maybe we can create the friendship we didnt have in highschool.

I am rediscovering some of the music of my youth. Im currrently listening to the Insubordinates, before that it was Beck, I had Black Flag and the Goo Goo dolls on this weekend. I think i need to get some more music on my computer and Mp3 player because my selection is lacking.

Well, i hope you are hapy to know that im alive and actualy doing something. Hopefully my next update will be before thanksgiving
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