Castro led an amazing revolution! Look at the statistics: universal healthcare, universal literacy. If a nation is literate and armed (and they are), I hardly think they consider themselves oppressed... if they did, they would overthrow the government. It's why our 2nd amendment is so important, and it's why I'm skeptical of claims that the Cuban Government is an oppressive dictatorship. It's not like Cuba has a big standing army or police force like the U.S. does that would threaten to put down a revolution. No, it's because of the support of the people that Cuba drove out the U.S. invaders during the Bay of Pigs invasion (Playa Giron). It's because the revolution has the support of the people that Cuba continues to survive. Cuba offers an example and a promise that worker's the world over do not hope in vain for economic equality. Cuba is impoverished and imperfect, but at least Cuba strives in revolution and solidarity with workers internationally to throw off the shackles of capitalist oppression. Workers of the World, UNITE!
For a less hateful view of Cuba, see