(no subject)

Mar 01, 2008 20:25

I just saw this! This is so much fun. Can I give it a go even if it isn't about Elleter? Some of mine are in agreement with what other people have said.


Adam Monroe is not his original name.

He was a lieutenant in Napoleon’s army. He was a rich banker in the Old West. He lived it up in Paris at the time of Picasso. He went to carneval in Venice every year during the 18th century (he looks very sexy in those masks). He was one of the leaders of the Bolshevik party that no one ever talks about. He is bisexual and has had a lot of sex.

Adam’s favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo, for reasons that are obvious if you have read it. But clearly, it only became his favorite book after it was written. Before 1860, or whenever, he didn't have time for books (see sex, above). I'll bet you thought his favorite book was The Picture of Dorian Grey, didn't you? Funny that you ask... he actually gave Oscar Wilde the idea for it one night at a party.

Adam and Elle never actually made out or anything. That isn’t what he meant. She just tricked him into doing something silly and made him depressed. Like, she made him think that she liked him and was going to help him escape, and just when he thought they were going to walk out the door, she was like, “Ha! Just kidding.” Because she’s a bitch like that.

Adam had no idea that Kaito Nakamura was Hiro’s dad. It was a coincidence.

Adam has a lot of money stashed away in different bank accounts around the world. He’s just learned how things work over the years and knows what good investments will be.


The Sureshes are ridiculously rich. The bit about driving a cab was just something weird that happened in the pilot and was never mentioned again. Maybe he needed to do a day’s work just to justify his visa or something, even though he didn’t need the money.

Mohinder is 28 years old. He went to an all-boys boarding school in England and then to Cambridge for university and also graduate school. His dad never came to visit him, but his mom did. He did a year exchange program in Paris, and felt bad because he didn’t find love. Just lots of red wine.

Red wine is Mohinder’s favorite thing. But he can’t drink too much of it, because he’s a lightweight. Also, he’s a lovey-dovey drunk. On the night before they got to Dale’s house, Sylar got Mohinder drunk off of two glasses of red wine, and Mohinder started draping himself all over him and saying how much he liked Zane, and wow, hanging out with you is just so great, I love you man, you’re really good-looking, has anyone ever told you that? and your ability is kind of dumb but it’s still an ability and therefore amazing, oops sorry I tripped, didn’t mean to fall in your lap. This is how they first made out. Even after he sobered up, Mohinder did not regret it. When Mohinder can't get red wine, he kind of likes to order cosmos. He doesn't understand why people tease him about that. So what if they're pink?

Despite his otherwise very classy tastes, Mohinder fucking loves Peeps. You know, those marshmallow things? He came to America and bought them in Duane Reade because he thought the Halloween ones were kind of cute and now he is obsessed, and keeps them hidden in weird places around his apartment and lab so that Bob and Matt won’t make fun of him.

Joining the bandwagon of people who are certain that Mohinder has no idea how gorgeous he is. He thinks he looks alright, but that’s it. And he always misinterprets when people are trying to come on to him, which leads to wacky hijinks. But people don’t usually come on to him, because he’s just so intimidatingly gorgeous. Which of course, leads to him not thinking that he is. Also? His hair just looks like that. There is no product.

Mohinder is straight, with Sylar tendencies. He rationally hates Sylar, but still thinks fondly of the Zane days. He stays up at night wondering how much of it was an act, and hates himself for doing so. When Sylar enters the room, Mohinder always starts out thinking, “Damn, he’s hot… I remember when... Wait! No! Stop that! Hate.” And then it’s alright and he’s back on track. Mohinder desperately hopes that Sylar never gets Matt’s power. He’d be really embarrassed.

Nathan Petrelli

Nathan is a Republican, but in the way that Bloomberg is a republican, meaning that he is actually a democrat, but ran on the republican ticket because in New York that’s easier than vying against the million other democrats.


Sylar and Gabriel are not two people. Heroes is not The Lord of the Rings, people. Gabriel was a quiet guy who was super depressed and isolated and slowly started being a bit off. Then Chandra came and the rejection made him lose it, and he picked Sylar as a name because he didn’t want Brian Davis to know who he was, and then he just stuck with it because people with cool abilities are too cool to have regular names. He wanted to be like Cher. End of story.

Sylar went to NYU. He was all quiet and emo and one of the people the administration was afraid would throw himself over the railing on the top floor of the library (apparently, that is a thing people do to kill themselves at NYU).

Sylar is 26, the same age as Peter. He had an interrupted education. He took a year off between high school and college to take care of his dying father. Then he took another year off between sophomore and junior year to work in Connecticut and “find himself.” It didn’t work. He was still depressed. So he graduated at 24, and told himself that the watch business would just be a temporary thing until he figured out what he wanted to do with his life, but the weeks slipped by, he kind of liked it, and all of a sudden he had been there for two years.  The first time he felt not depressed was when he first saw Mohinder’s smile (what? I’m cheesy like that).

Sylar is nonsexual, except for Mohinder. He had a bunch of awkward encounters in high school and college, but boys and girls were all just using him for their own experimentation. He never came on to people. They would just grab him and drag him somewhere for light sexuality. He was a virgin until Mohinder, who happened to be the first person he ever actively made a move on. Yes, Mohinder did accidentally (?) fall into his lap, but Sylar was the one to kiss him. They slept in the same bed that night, but it was pretty chaste. The sex didn't happen until the next night, just before Sylar went out to kill Dale. Then they did it a couple more times (including Mo's apartment) before Mohinder found out---because Mohinder only found out a couple of hours before the tea-drugging.

Sylar is not going to try to harm Molly. Maybe he would have killed her in season one, but now that she’s Mohinder’s little girl, he isn’t going to. He tries not to consciously think about that.

Sylar? Totally secretly loves Peeps. But he was too embarrassed to tell Mohinder, so neither of them know.

character: sylar, character: adam monroe, character: nathan petrelli, character: mohinder suresh

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