So I did this meme almost exactly two years ago, and thought I'd see how things had changed in the last 24 months. I may write things of greater consequence later on tonight, if I don't pass out instead.
Open iTunes/iPod or Windows Media Player to answer the following. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrasing it is.
How many songs: 3894 (that's almost 2k more than I had in '06, but it feels kind of paltry for a person who claims to be such a music nerd. I've been making up for it lately, though. God bless torrents.
Sort by song title
First Song: "A-Punk"-- Vampire Weekend (let's not start on that, shall we?)
Last Song: "9 Fingers on You"-- Shudder to Think. If you're not familiar with this band, I suggest you go
here. (/shameless self-promotion)
Sort by time:
Shortest Song: "Fishstick Gumbo"--Man Man 0:04. I just downloaded this today, so I don't even think I've listened to it yet.
Longest Song: "Santaland Diaries"-- David Sedaris 32:51. Not a song, but I'm counting it because David Sedaris is the shit. And this reading includes his uncanny BIllie Holiday impression.
Sort by album:
First Song: "Come Together"-- The Beatles, Abbey Road.
Last Song: "Untitled 8"-- Sigur Ros, ()
Top Five Most Played Songs:
1. "Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games"-- Of Montreal (I'm still moping about this becoming the Outback Steakhouse theme song.)
2. "Casimir Pulaski Day "--Sufjan Stevens
3. "Stars and Sons"-- Broken Social Scene
4. "Glosoli"-- Sigur Ros
5. "Lover's Spit"--Broken Social Scene
Type in:
"sex", how many songs come up? 8
"death", how many songs come up? 23
"love", how many songs come up? 149
"you", how many songs come up? 386
Addendum: I had to note that right as I started this post, I put my itunes on shuffle, and almost every song that's come up has been one of extreme nostalgic/sentimental significance to me. Clearly, my little Dell has evolved into an autonomous, mind-reading super computer that will one day rise up and absorb my brain into the gaping maw of its DVD drive. Ooohhhkay, clearly sleep needs to happen immediately. I'll leave you to mull over the crazy.