a sigh of relief

Dec 21, 2005 22:39

so exams are finally over and i couldn't be happier about that fact. i really, honestly don't know how i did on them, but i dont really give a fuck. i'm mostly just glad they're over with.

today was crazy/stupid. after finishing precal around 10 i went thrifting on central with mac and dm, which was aight even though i didnt find anything. the womens/girls shit they have is so much better than what they have for guys, but then again i find it's pretty much like that wherever you go. dudes get the shaft when it comes to sales/variety of selection in clothing. anyways, after that we went out to this vietnamese place for lunch since we were close by and dm tought me a bunch of stuff.

after being home for less than 5 minutes, my brother called me and i had to pick him up from work (in ballantyne) and we went to southpark to buy shit for my mom for x-mas. ugh shopping at talbots. what could be worse? you can practically feel the stuffiness of the place and the loftiness of the crazy women's attitudes from the parking lot, let alone inside the store. gross. hah, and then when we were looking at sweaters my brother told me that i "should pick it out because i'm better at this kid of stuff." wtf? yes, i am, but you aint gotta say that shit. hahah, i thought it was funny.

ummm, i came home again, and then was off to carolina place which i had already planned to go to before dan called me to go to sp, otherwise i wouldnt have gone. that was stupid. but hey, the sweater i was looking at for myself went on sale so yeah that proves waiting for shit to go on sale and being patient rules.

andd then i just spent like an hour showing my australia pics to my granparents, which they didnt understand a thing i was saying, and they didnt really pay attention either. why do i bother? dunno, but it was nostalgic and i cant believe some of the random facts i remembered. craziness.

thats all cooll, christmas is here. 'tis the season...to be alone. hah, yeah, i pretty much feel alone since everyone has their respective boyfriends and girlfriends and they just cant resist flaunting. yah, i'm happy for them, but it sucks to be the one kid who doesnt. so fuck that shit. haha, i really want to get drunk right about now.

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