Permanent accounts: I would say that, despite this journal being the first one I registered in Livejournal, it's been the one that's seen the least use. More than half the entries are stuff I transferred here when I closed the respective LJs. So even though I bought the permanent account in 2005, I haven't made a lot of use of its perks. I made a layout (that runs on S1 still, heh -- so I don't see tags or the current location) and I uploaded some stuff to my Scrapbook. I make use of the icon space more than anything else.
Is it worth buying a perm account? When I bought it, it cost 150 bucks. It was a lot and I think it hasn't paid itself yet. Now they're more expensive, and the climate in LJ is different. Will you stay in LJ for however long? It's not about supporting LJ, because SUP is a strong company. Long ago, perm account sales only happened when LJ needed a huge influx of money to buy a new server or something like that. Now, LJ gets revenues mostly through advertising. So, take your own feelings towards LJ into considerationg if you're thinking of buying a perm account.
They have A LOT of perks. From Dec 4 onwards, we're given another 50 icons, on top of the automatic 100 icons and the maximum amount of loyalty userpics. We get all the perks of paid accounts too, polls, ability to make syndicated accounts, friending and tag limits, etc. If you host a lot of pictures, getting a perm account can probably save you the money of independent webspace. Perm members get 15 GBs of space and people may hotlink to their hearts's contents, since you don't get bandwidth exceeded notices. (I'm actually not sure why I don't just move all the stuff in my Photobuckets to the Scrapbook already--other than I'm freaking lazy.) As well, since it's a perm account, the images will be there for as long as LJ is online.
Perm members also have been able to test new features in advance, such as the stalker pin/tracking feature. I'm sure there's been other features, but that was one of the nicest features for me to test, as a user.
I have to say, I find LJ a rather boring site. As the name implies, it's a journal. It doesn't make full use of what you can do in the internet today. I find sites such as Tegaki or NicoNico far more interesting, they allow for interaction between users, fanwork collaboration, and multimedia use. What you can host on Livejournal, without relying on third party sites, are words and images, and that's really it.
Though I have pretty much moved all of my fandom content off LJ, I wouldn't move my personal content unless it was to a site that did something truly new, instead of little adjustments to the LJ code. Not that most offshoots are trying for something new, rather than to provide a space for the people that no longer feel happy in LJ.
I have wanted to move really badly in the past, but at this point, SUP would have to do something truly heinous and evil for me to pack up my stuff and leave. Yeah, selling your personal info to sponsors if you have a paid account is pretty unlike the original LJ privacy policy, but it's also easily dealt with. Just provide false information. Er, I mean. Just get a paid account.
(I really did mean the first option.)
Weather: The other day I mentioned to
dilettantka that it was getting really cold in my apartment, to the point where I actually had to close the window in my room. (Gasp.) Last year, I went out in a tshirt in early January. I'm pretty tough when it comes to cold weather! So it was a surprise to have it be so cold inside. But not as big a surprise as the one I got a couple days later when I went to cook and I noticed that the olive oil inside the bottle was semi-frozen. It was kind of chunky. Σ( ̄□ ̄;
I still like winter best. This summer, I'd been waiting really impatiently for weather to get cold. Especially since I spent a good chunk of it in Japan where the humidity is through the roof, and to compensate, people turn on their AC machines really high. There was a point in which my body couldn't tell what season I was in, the change between AC machines and outdoors weather was so extreme.
So, this is today's poll. Note how I didn't include spring or autumn. Regardless, take my internet poll really seriously! (≧ε≦)