[There is the sound of running, first, through the warehouse that Walter has kept her safe in, with Chii hurrying to find him.]
Walter! Walter! Chii know Walter here. Walter see Chii? Hear Chii?
[She slows down, and heads into one of the back rooms. The door opens, but then there is no sound for several long seconds. Softly, sadly, her voice comes
Read more... )
... Ah.
[his voice gurgles on the blood; eventually, he reaches up and pulls out the knife with a sickening wet sound.]
Walter...? Walter okay?
As I have said.
[although the wound on his neck is slowly putting itself back together, his feet remain bleeding -- and he looks entirely disturbed by something.]
I will be FINE.
Walter sad...Chii sad for Walter.
Why Walter die?
I'm not--
[maybe little walter is.]
I had to. For Mother.
People look for Walter. Seishirou, Nill and Jackie want to help Walter.
Other people say Walter not be hurt.
[he stiffens. he doesn't look quite angry.]
They'll want me captured. I cannot stay if that is true.
[She looks upset.]
Chii not let them.
You do not have to protect me.
It was never my intention to get you involved in this. My apologies.
[slowly he stands]
I cannot... let them find me. Not even those who think they can help me.
Sokka tell Chii that Walter is surrounded. Sokka want to talk to Walter. Keep friends safe.
Chii keep Walter safe. Do what Walter say.
[he holds his head and backs away, groaning into his hands.]
They want to stop me but they can't stop me it's ME, it's always been ME -- but it wasn't ME!
I won't get weak, I WON'T!
It's a lie it's unfair HOW DARE YOU!
MOMMY! Help me, Mom MOM!
Walter, no! Chii help! Do not cry, Walter. Chii will protect you. Chii protect Walter. Keep Walter safe. Not let you cry.
[this isn't the kind of contact he's used to. contact means pain, doesn't it? doesn't it? why doesn't this hurt? he's confused. she's confusing him! but there's a burning in his chest. little walter can't be far from him, then -- and he feels weak. oh, mother is going to be disappointed.]
I'm sorry, Mommy.
Walter is safe with Chii. Walter not be sad with Chii.
No be sorry. Mother loves Walter. Chii protect Walter until he see Mother.
Chii like Walter. Walter good friend. Chii help Walter get to Mother. Walter is safe.
[And she keeps murmuring things until she can't think of any anymore, and just holds him gently.]
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