Two Beckett Quotes

May 22, 2005 12:29

Quotes as requested by Katie:

Art Spiegelman: "Samuel Beckett once said: 'Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.' On the other hand, he said it."

(thanks, Ali, for inspiring me to finally read Maus)

The Movie "Becket":

Thomas Becket: Tonight you can do me the honor of christening my forks.
King Henry II: Forks?
Thomas Becket: Yes, from Florence. New little invention. It's for pronging meat and carrying it to the mouth. It saves you dirtying your fingers.
King Henry II: But then you dirty the fork.
Thomas Becket: Yes, but it's washable.
King Henry II: So are your fingers. I don't see the point.
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