Зарплата - чуть больше двух тысяч фунтов в месяц плюс кое-какие выгоды от работы на государство. Вакансия в Лондоне. Работа интересная, перспектирвы - тоже. Сперва практика в отделах по борьбе и предотвращению терроризма и прочих угроз национальным интересам (в самых разных областях), потом можно будет переводиться в другие отделы. Одно из основных требований к претендентам - кроткость. Нужно понимать, что любые успехи на работе должны оставаться невидимыми для общества, поэтому всякое продвижение по карьерной лестнице не сможет быть оценено вашими соседями, друзьями и знакомыми.
Разумеется, для того, чтобы быть принятым, вы должны быть гражданином Британии и один из ваших родителей тоже должен являться гражданином или хотя бы иметь крепкие связи с королевством. И ещё: из последних десяти лет девять вы должны были жить на территории Англии. Возраст значения не имеет, но вам должно быть более 18-ти лет. И ещё: если вы надумаете попробоваться на эту работу, просьба обсуждать это решение только с ближайшими родственниками. Спасибо за понимание.
C уважением, MI5.
Под катом оригинальное объявление (на английском)
Intelligence Officers - MI5
Salary:£24,750 plus benefitsLocation:LondonJob start date: ASAP Application close date:12 July 2010
You have the intellect and the confidence to succeed in any industry or sector. So why choose MI5? Put simply, becoming an Intelligence Officer with the Security Service is one of the most challenging, interesting and worthwhile career choices you can make. It’s also a career that can take you in many different directions.
As an Intelligence Officer, your role could be assessing or investigating threats to national security, delivering solutions to complex IT intelligence problems, or working in one of our personnel, policy or finance departments. However, rest assured that wherever you begin you will play your part in helping to safeguard our nation’s security. Every day you’ll be making informed decisions that help protect the country. These decisions will contribute to our efforts in countering terrorism, espionage, the spread of weapons of mass destruction and protecting the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure.
Discretion is vital at MI5. That’s why your achievements will remain unknown to the outside world. Not everyone is comfortable keeping their career successes to themselves. But then, not everyone has what it takes to work for MI5. Highly capable and persuasive, you will need the strength of character to handle a high level of responsibility early on in your career.
Although this is not a graduate programme, we provide extensive training and development opportunities across every area of our organisation. We’ll encourage you to expand your career and develop your skills in a number of different departments across the UK.
Closing date: Monday 12th July 2010.
click here to apply, IMPORTANT: please ensure you complete your application once you have been directed to the Mi5 website.
To be eligible to apply, you must meet our residency criteria. You must be a born or naturalised British Citizen and one of your parents must be a British Citizen or have substantial ties to the UK. Candidates must normally have been resident in the UK for 9 out of the last 10 years. This is particularly important if you were born outside the UK. You will nonetheless be considered if you have, for example, served overseas with HM Forces or in some other official capacity as a representative of Her Majesty's Government, studied abroad, or lived overseas with your parents.
Due to vetting requirements you will need to be 18 years old, or above, to apply. Your application may take around 6 months to process.
Discretion is important to the Service, so please only discuss this application with your partner and/or immediate family.