Character: X-23/Laura X
Series: Marvel Universe, more specifically: X-23: Innocence Lost, Target X, New X-Men
Character Age: 14
Canon: X-23 is the Mary Suelverine. She's
Wolverine's clone, only prettier and with breasts. She was raised to be the perfect weapon, with adamantium claws and a super nifty healing factor. She's the infiltrate/sneak up on and brutally murder kinda gal. X-23 is different in the comics (in both temperament and upbringing) than she is in X-Men: Evolution.
You can tell she's Wolverine's clone because of her lack of social skills and her ability to track a small, irrelevant piece of evidence through snow, and ice and childhood trauma. X-23 is stunted socially and she tends to relay facts instead of emoting. Things such as faith and humor are a bit hard for her to intellectualize. Her speech tends to be clipped and direct without revealing too much about her own internal processes. In general she isn't very talkative, but is quite capable of supporting a tangent about skinning people alive or international torture procedures.
I also have nothing against Canadians.
Sample Post:
Upon entering this 'camp' I have been assigned a livejournal to record my daily life. I assume details are expected.
Location: 30degrees N, 90degrees W ; Camp Fuck You Die, Louisiana
Current Mood: [ ] blank
This is an exercise in normalcy. Today I arrived at Camp Fuck You Die to resolve numerous missing persons cases, only to encounter complications. The main obstacle being the impregnable barrier. People cannot enter or exit of their own free will. I received a flyer on the dangers of this barrier, and was told it comes in three flavors. It is also "ribbed for her pleasure", but whose pleasure is unclear.
The wildlife is not typical of the Southern United States. Notable are the white creatures which continue to ask "Save your game?" Further communication has been cut short by the request to "clone saved data?" I believe this to be a 'pun'. It was not appreciated and has been dealt with directly.
Other complications have been rendered negligible with the exception of the occupants. International Regulations for Infiltration and Observation state that open war is a direct possibility of interference from any armed country on another. If possible it is advised to pick a mostly neutral third party country to act as the scapegoat while engaging in covert activity to destabilize the enemy.
I have come to the conclusion that Mounties are present. The tracks are uniquely heart shaped and exude the faint scent of lavender an unmistakable sign of the Royal Canadian Mounted police. A dead body was also dragged along the ground, leaving behind peculiar shambling tracks, as if dragged upright, or from horseback. Nationalities and regions of origin for many of the other occupants are vague or unknown. The parameters for tactic "Blame Canada" have been set; find the Canadians and assign blame for the missing people.
For further investigation of the Mounties going undercover is advisable. First is to erase my presence on livejournal, the most efficient method of doing so being internet suicide. There are over a hundred ways to kill yourself on the internet, many of which involve chronic illnesses which take months to fabricate and create the necessary 'sock journals' to support and inflame the planned death. There are a limited number of ways to credibly 'die' in a short period of time; a diversionary tactic may be employed to distract the general populace of the internet into ignoring the more obvious omission of truth. Logic dictates unknown but serious and sudden sexually transmitted disease as the most likely cause of internet suicide, possibly in conjunction with a furry convention. Mission accepted.
87.8 what, you crazies.