HOOTERS HOOTERS HOOTERS! Put 'em in your mouth!

Nov 13, 2012 15:02

Ok so YES I crossposted this at justinlong_hq. And YES I created the comm so as not to bug you people with my constant Justinsquee no mores. BUT. Pritty sure this needs to go as many places as humanly possible (and that I need to remember it forever and ever amen). And plus I'm asking for y'all's fanhelp. SO.

The reports are coming in from the 24 Hour Plays in New York and now I really REALLY wish I could have been there.

(Yup. Last month Justin got Twitter, and my life has pretty much been over ever since.)

Here's an article with a side view of Justin's outfit...I mean that talks about the event. Read it, why not, even if Justin's .5% body fat doesn't do it for you (WHAT? He worked really hard on that okay, he drank Kim's Beauty Detox shakes. Whatever those are. I know because he tweeted it. He said they were green. HE DRANK GREEN THINGS FOR YOU, PEOPLE. ) it sounds super super awesome and neato and keen and stuff. http://www.interviewmagazine.com/culture/montblanc-presents-the-24-hour-plays-on-broadway-2012#/_

I mean seriously. Seriously? Between Justin in that outfit, his reported impersonation of Sam Rockwell, and Seth Green in a false moustache, I think I might have died from an overdose of fangirlish squee. Squeeverdosing. It's a thing. And I'm hereby calling on the flist to help me do it.

It's probably wrong of me to hope someone was obnoxious enough to film during a play and caught Justin and Sam DANCING and put it on youtube...but I'm pretty sure I NEED to see that.  I mean, hey, they whipped their phones out long enough to take pictures: http://instagram.com/p/R9CtBkRg62/
(it says Sam Worthington but that's a mistake)

So if any of y'all happen to find such a thing, I CALL SHARESIES. Hey. I showed you my Hooters.


justin long, hooters, sam rockwell, seth green

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