Mar 20, 2012 10:12
There are cookies in the break room. Chocolate ones. Showily leaking a decadent, goopy centre of something that is either peanut butter or possibly...caramel. Yes.
WHO DOES THAT? Who just leaves gooey, sticky chocolate-and-peanutbutter-or-possibly-caramel servings of self-loathing sitting there quietly minding their business on the 'eat me' table FIRST THING IN THE MORNING? That is pure evil man. Get thee behind me, pastry demons. In fact; Eat me.
*sips breakfast smoothie sanctimoniously*
Will Snick succumb to temptation and be forever condemned to bear the scarlet G of Gluttony for all eternity? Will mankind ever know if the heart of evil is pb or butterscotch flavoured?
that is all,