(no subject)

Dec 19, 2005 17:17

Today, December...actually I don't know what the date is, Emily Gipple has achieved a wireless internet connection. This is a task which Emily has been attempting for one full calendar year, minus the number of days between the unknown current date and Christmas. In this period, Emily has traveled through several continents, sought assistance for this service from multiple knowledgeable providers, and been thrown into horrendous foul moods on myriad occasions due to the indefatigable inability of her wireless connection "skillz," and has never once achieved the impossible dream, ever, anywhere. But, today, in the fiery miserable state of humour in which she had been silently and verbally fuming for an hour and a half and for reasons mankind will never fully or infintesimally understand but enjoys with infinite happiness and praise and which Emily, in prayerful contemplation of the miracle she has just witnessed, has no intention of ever questioning, it works.

Maybe I'll even reevaluate my religious outlook.
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