not a great day, unfortunately. on top of the fact that i already hate my hair my mom & aunt feel like they need to criticize & complain about it as well, so i hate it even more & hate hearing them complainnnnn. & when i tell them to get over it, leave me alone & stop complaining, i get yelled at some more, blahblahblah! my baby cousin is obviously my favorite family member. i talked to my mom about leaving school & homeschooling. i'll be "anti-social" but i don't even like or get along with 99.9% percent of the damn school. & then she brought up the fact of me missing my prom. my tummy hurts cos i ate too much & i better not be getting sick again (cos i'll kick my immune-system's ass). today feels like a good day for me to complainnnn &complain! LOVE.
oh baby, it's not europe.