Fic: Boys Night

Nov 17, 2008 21:42

Title: Boys Night
Fandom: Young Justice
Characters: Tim, Bart, Kon
Prompt: "A (typical) day in the life of Tim, plus Bart"
Word Count: 1,044
Rating: PG
Summary: The girs of YJ are out, leaving the boys to their own devices. Oh dear.
Notes: A prompt my sister gave me to help defeat my writers block. These kids deserve more love.

Tim Drake never imagined he’d be taking orders from Bart, of all people. The very idea struck him as ridiculous.

Not to say that Bart never had any good ideas; no, that would be unfair. On occasion, he did manage to come up with some offbeat plan that, miraculously, managed to save them all. The problem was, Bart came up with so many ideas, that those good ones were-literally- one in a million.

Which is why he simply couldn’t believe he was in this situation. It simply couldn’t be happening. It just wasn’t the way the world worked.

“Robin, duck!”

But there he was, in the flow of combat, tense and ready and following Impulse’s orders.

Which was harder than it should have been, because the boy was shouting orders in a blur.

“Quick, dodge to the left! Not that left!”

Tim forced himself to swallow the murderous urges rising within him as he rolled to the side, barely missing the energy beam that would have vaporized him.

“This was a terrible idea…” he muttered. But this particular enemy was Bart’s specialty, something Tim and Kon had never dealt with; so they had agreed to let him lead. Reluctantly. And with much hesitation.

“We’re all going to die!” Kon shouted. Silently, Tim agreed.

Bart was undeterred. “Both of you, go around and hit him from behind, that’s the weak spot!”

“What are you going to be doing?” They demanded simultaneously, grudgingly following the younger boys orders.

“Superboy, dodge! DODGE YOU FOOL! NO, NOT THAT WAY!” Bart yelped, flailing his arms helplessly. “NEVER GO THAT WAY!”

But it was too late, and Kon had gone the wrong way; he’d run headlong into the enemy’s grasp. Steely appendages shot out from the monstrous hand, wrapping around the young boy with an unyielding grip.

“Robin, get this thing off of me!” Kon cried, squirming. His super-strength was useless against this enemy. Tim cursed under his breath, turning to assist.

“No!” Bart was screaming, “No! Robin, stay away! If you get close to him, they’ll just grab you too!” However, Tim was through taking orders from the boy who had the attention span of a gnat, and he was back in ‘fearless leader’ mode; already running full speed towards his entangled comrade.

Bart groaned. “No one ever listens to me. We’re doomed.” He watched helplessly as Robin charged the creature, only to be entangled in a similar vice like web.

He shook his head despairingly while his comrades called for help, knowing that it was all over.

“Impulse, what are you doing?!” Robin demanded through grit teeth, “Help us already!”

“I can’t!” He cried, “Once two of the team members are taken out of play… there’s no hope.” His shoulders sagged. “We’ve lost. Sorry guys.”

The monster that held them opened its mouth to reveal a horrifying mixture of snarling teeth and noxious venom, releasing an earth-shattering roar.

“This is the worst part,” Bart said tragically, putting his head in his hands. Robin opened his mouth to demand what the young speedster meant by that when the terrible appendages tightened around him suddenly, stealing his breath and filling his ears with the sickening sound of cracking bones. A quick glance told him Superboy was suffering a similar fate.

“This can’t be happening.” Tim moaned.

There was a loud snap, accompanied by two gruesome screams and then all was black.

In crimson, dripping font  the words “Game Over” scrawled across the screen.

Silence reigned; a heavy blanket of doom filling the air.

“I told you not to go that way.” Bart mumbled, easily dodging the Playtendo remote Kon chucked at his head.

“You didn’t say anything about tentacles!” He yelled. Bart gave him a wary look, instantly removing any other objects from the vicinity which could be used as possible projectiles.

Not including Tim, who sat in between the two of them, stony expression fixed on his face, staring at the screen.

“You guys should have listened to me!” Bart defended, hands on hips, “You agreed to let me lead!”

“I can’t believe that just happened.” Tim muttered. “How did I get dragged into this, in the first place?” Bart perked up.

“Well,” he began, “Cassie said the girls were going out to have a ‘Girls Day’, and I asked you guys what you were doing and you two said ‘nothing’-”

“Big mistake,” Kon grumbled.

“And so I asked if you guys would play my new game, Tentacle Creatures from Neptune VII, and you both said ‘yes’-”

“Temporary insanity…” sighed Tim. Bart paused, suddenly sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of them.

“Unless you guys don’t want to play anymore…” He trailed off. Both boys turned quickly to reply with emphatic ‘no’s, but stopped short.

Bat sat, head hung and hands gingerly holding his controller, biting his lip and looking very much like a kicked puppy.

Kon and Tim exchanged guilty and somewhat miserable looks, before both nodding painfully in a silent agreement.

“Start it up again,” Tim said haltingly, “We’ll play a few more rounds.” As per usual, Bart was in motion before either could register movement and had them both in a tight hug before they could protest or attempt to escape.

“This is going to be the best Boys Night ever!” Bart cheered. From over Bart’s skinny shoulders, Kon and Tim shared a look of horror.

As Bart zipped back to his seat and hastily punched the buttons to restart the game, Tim shook his head.

“I’ve never been more thankful that Young Justice gained some female members,” Tim muttered under his breath. “If only they’d hurry it up.”

“Ooh, maybe we should start a tradition!” Bart pondered enthusiastically. “You know, do this every Friday night or something!”

“I miss the girls,” Kon groaned.

Tim shook his head. The next time the girls decided to go out for a “Girls Day”, he was going to make sure there was some terrible breakout in Arkham, and he was urgently needed back in Gotham. And would therefore be gone in every sense of the word. Gone. Not there. Unable to participate in any kind of twisted “Boys Night”.

Most definitely unable to participate in anything regarding “Tentacle Creatures from Neptune VII” ever, ever again.


Edit: To fix Kon's name. 
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