Awesome Yard Sale, Take 2, in Wilmington, MA

Jul 17, 2014 01:44

Alex has asked me to coordinate the Awesome Yard Sale, Take 2, with (hopefully) the remainder of stuff from Rich's house.

Saturday, July 19
10 am-4 pm,
66 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, MA

Weather forecast looks good for Saturday, all day, so come on down!

Kitchen stuff, computer and game console games, board games, toys, dishes, misc cables, CDs and DVDs, blue ray player, plastic bins, speakers, household items of all kinds,

and FURNITURE, many items of furniture,
couches, tables, beds, desks, chairs, etc.

I will be at the house with Alex from sometime Friday late afternoon. You can reach me at my cell phone, voice or text, if you want to inquire about specifics.

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