But why's the rum gone???

Mar 19, 2010 14:56

Yeah. Why's the rum gone? Massive handover now I can tell you. But with all the rum yesterday, I almost forgot to show you my latest "I am great, I can do that, and it will be fabulous"-result (my ego got a little hype lately)

I cut off my hair. and NO, I don't want to look more lesbian. thanks. It has been LONG for a pretty long time now. Almost ten years if I remember right. I thought about getting something new for quite a while, but didn't really have the courage to acutally do something. With Anna poking me over the last view weeks in many kind of ways I finally got my ass out of the house and into the hairdressers chair. And I LOVE it. Feels really great, can't stop touching my neck, when I think nobody's looking :D

What else? Finished all my papers for university in time, visited Nickqy hat the hospital, she has again problems with her kidneys :/ went to ikea yesterday. Life is good
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