(no subject)

Nov 09, 2005 12:16

OKay, so now that I'm sober and have had a chance to calm down after my day yesterday, I will recount the day as it happened and why it was so bad.  So I get there early, there was only one puppy kennel, and then three jack russel terriers in the adoption side.  I was completely worried about there being poops, but it was fine.  Which was awesome. So I'm doing my stuff, getting everything done, and making sure I do a thurough job of it because we have some sick kittens, and I just don't want anything else to get sick, especially when I'm the one working the kennels for that day... So anyways, I'm taking a small break at 840, and Vaughn comes into the staffroom saying that Anna needs a lift, and can someone go get her? I said I would, because there wasn't much left for me to do, and there wasn't lots of charts for me to do this afternoon, so I was kinda taking my time making sure everything was awesome.  So I go get Anna and come back to the store, and get started/finished on the kittens I was doing.  At 9:40, Cynthia shows up to the store because she had to go vaccinate some puppies, and had to pick up her vaccinations and stuff.  The first thing she says to me, is why are you so far behind?  Personally, I didn't feel like I was behind at all, because this is where I normally would be even if the kennels were all full of puppies.  And all I had left to clean were our really sick kittens in the boarding room and the ferrets.  Which takes not even 20 minutes to do them. I don't know if she maybe thought that I was being rude or what... but she left to vaccinate the puppies and stuff, and I finished my opening stuff.  Then Micaela couldn't work, because she got bitten really badly by a gecko the night before, and had sprained her thumb, so she couldn't really bag fish or really even stick her hand in a tank, so she got some people to cover her shift.  One of the people was Heather.  However, Heather needed to be picked up, and once again, I was the one to jump to the rescue.  But Jessica (who was super for the day) told Micaela that Cynthia bitched at her because I "was behind".  And she really didn't want me to go get Heather. Of course, I got to go anyways, because Micaela helped out and did some stuff for me in kennels while I was gone, (although I finished up 45 minutes early).  Then Cynthia got back from her breeders and I was in the back getting water or chapstick or something, and Joy said she wanted to talk to her in the office or something.  Somehow, I KNEW I was going to be getting written up.  I don't know how I knew it, and I didn't know what for, (I figured it would be because it took me a long time to open?) but when you pull someone into the office and close the door, its usually not a good thing.  So I go back into the kennels, get the rest of my stuff done, have some extra time, weigh most of the birds, finish up the laundry, sweep, mop, bleach all the counters and everything.  So I answer a few phone calls to kill the last four or so minutes of my shift, and head to the back to swipe out and go home.  As I walk into the staffroom, Joy is eating her lunch.  Shes like, oh, I need to speak to you for a minute.  And pulls me into the office where Jessica is on the computer, and Micaela is doing something with papers.  She told Micaela to leave, and pulls out a piece of paper that shes had hidden away under another stack of stuff. I got written up for "being rude to supervisors" and "for sitting on the counter in the kennels after she'd been warned about it".  Honestly, I never once thought I was being rude to anyone. If I had, I would have appreciated someone saying Amanda, You're being rude. So that I could have apologized.  And not ONCE has anyone, supervisor, manager, head office person, other pet councellor, ANYBODY told me to not sit on the counters.  The main reason I do it, is so that I can do my paperwork.  I'm tall. The counter is not. It hurts my back to lean and fill out six files worth of crap. So I sit on the counter with my little stool, and fill it out like the stool were a desk.  IT doesn't hurt my back, and it gets it all done.  Whenever someone has walked in and seen me doing this, they usually laugh at me and walk out, or ask a question and leave.  I've since written a letter of rubuttal or something that I'm going to give to Christine today, and find out who complained so that I may apologize, because I don't want or need people feeling that I'm rude to them.  I will let you all know how it goes. Micaela is also going to give me a photocopy of every one of my writeups so that I may have them on record. I don't know what I'll need them for, but its nice to have them. Either way, I am now in the process of finding myself a new job.  I deserve better than this.  And its definitely not worth 8.00 an hour.

And I'm too lazy to post pictures. I'll do it later.
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