Weirdest thing I've read today Plus bits and pieces of DW-related news

Mar 25, 2008 18:46

Slapping it under a cut to spare my Flist.

Wiltshire man finds God and denies the Doctor (The "Headline" on this link is mine - not the paper's.)

"I had to retire early from my job as a nurse at the Royal United Hospital in Bath in 1998 because I was suffering from bipolar disorder.

"I turned to drink and became an alcoholic and the Dr Who obsession was the only thing that kept me going. I wouldn't have given it up if you'd have put a gun to my head."

Having discovered Christianity Mr Smith has renounced his old life and is putting the whole collection up for sale in local trade magazines and on eBay.

He said: "God delivered me from the evil that is Dr Who, materialism and alcoholism.

No offence to any practising Christians on my FList, but it's stories like this that make me very glad I gave up on Christianity in my early 20s!

* * * * * *

In other, slightly happier news, Eye of Horus reports that "Partners in Crime" will air at 6:20pm on Saturday 5 April (unless the Beeb sees fit to change the time). I'm hoping this means the Beeb will actually have it up on iPlayer BEFORE I go to bed.

Also mentioned at Eye of Horus is a planned BBC4 tribute to Who's Founding Mother, Verity Lambert on 5 April:

21:35 Verity Lambert: Drama Queen
22:35 MINDER

Three episodes of DW at 25 mins long must mean it's a pre-RTD!Who serial - I'm guessing Survival as I know that's only 3 episodes.

* * * * * *

And if you want time to get your ears adjusted to Murray Gold's re-worked theme before Season 4 airs, then you can get a free download of it from Silva Sounds - but you'll need to register before you can download it.

* * * * *

Oh and if you're wishing for the return of the Brig in Season 4, Y.A.N.A. *

(*You Are Not Alone - you got that, right?)

composer: murray gold, doctor who, character: brigadier lethbridge-stewart, news, bbc4, dw: season 4

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