Half an hour of the most glorious insanity is probably the best way to describe this show. If you missed it, check the
Chain Reaction page and "Listen Again".
I hardly stopped laughing out loud as Catherine quizzed David about his theatre and TV career, Science Fiction shows and films (she's never seen a single Star Wars film which scandalised DT but made me giggle because I haven't either ! And she hates space films!), starring on The Bill, been a child fan of Doctor Who, and much more. David kept making comments along the lines of "Other X products also exist" a parody of the BBC's own "advertising" tags since they're not allowed to advertise since they're state funded). He talked about recently meeting Richard Schiff (whom he wants to be apparently, since he's a big fan of "The West Wing" !), who had no idea who David was (and whose PR people had set up the meeting), and meeting George Lucas years ago (the maitre d' in the restaurant where DT and GL were both dining offered to introduce DT to Lucas who was in the middle of his dessert and for whom DT felt desperately sorry).
Catherine asked him if he read reviews and he said not any more, he'd given that up. He talked about how desperately he wanted the part in Blackpool when he saw the script, and that he'd thought about it for a week before deciding to accept the role of The Doctor. Catherine told him that people would still adore him in his dotage for playing The Doctor, and someone would happily wipe the drool from his face when he was an old man (to which he replied "Who says they don't now?" !)
Next week David will be interviewing Richard Wilson.