Once again, thanks to iPlayer, I watched this before breakfast (and no, it doesn't put me off eating - thankfully !) and my thoughts are under the cut for those who want to avoid spoilers.
Well that was weird !
I love this storyline for Owen - thought it was cracktastic but good and Burn Gorman is easily the best actor of the TW regulars.
The episode starts with Martha about to start her autopsy on Owen - all green gowned, gloved and masked. She picks up the saw and is all set to start when Jack appears and shouts that no one's to touch Owen until he gets back and then he charges off leaving everyone bewildered.
Jack rushes off to see a Tarot card-reading girl (in a bar?! Interesting !) who tells him where to find the second of the Risen Mittens and warns him not to go after it, but of course he does. He then goes back to the Hub and brings Owen back so the team can say their goodbyes (and all the while Martha's watching and wondering what the hell is going on since no one explains). Tosh tells Owen she loves him, Jack asks him for the code for something (which Ianto then memorises). Owen goes back to being dead and then he sits back up and starts talking again - but Jack's not touching him with the Risen Mitten. Cue freakout by just about everyone.
So now the team have a dead man walking, talking, drinking (even though his digestive system has shut down - cue the grossest thing JACK has ever seen - and he's been around a bloody long time, so if he thinks it's gross, it's gross !!) and realising he's never going to be able sleep, drink or shag ever again (the three things he enjoys most apparently !)
Of course they have to deal with the consequences and the price that's paid for Jack's interference is VERY high all round. For one thing, the Risen Mitten attacks Martha (a la the plastic Auton hand to the face in "Rose" which made me groan because honestly guys, you've done that once already !) and ages her to like about 80. WTF was the point of that? I don't mind that the episode was more Martha-lite, that made sense since it's mostly about Owen being not-Dead, but it just didn't make any sense to age up Martha and then just as suddenly de-age her once Owen stopped Death from killing any more people... Weird...
Oh and the Death CGI was f*cking fantastic if you'll excuse my French! The Mill did a fabulous job on that - a skeleton surrounded by smoke is a lovely portrayal of Death (and made me think of Terry Pratchett, inevitably I guess!)
I did like Martha's reaction to Torchwood having the Risen Mitten - she was very "UNIT will kick your arses for that" ! I like the fact that working for UNIT is colouring her perception of Torchwood (and probably of Jack too). I think I'm going to have to write a tag to this ep where she and Jack have a conversation about TW's methods and practices, not to mention a conversation about what happened to her - and the fact that she got aged just as the Doctor did (nice bit of prosthetics there too).
In fact there's a whole heap of fodder for the Bunny!Muses to chew on in just these two episodes alone (I've got an AU "Reset" Tag fic waiting in the wings that needs a bit of tweaking before I can post it...)
Yay for more fic fodder says I ! (Oh hang on, aren't I supposed to be cursing? :P)