Torchwood: Reset: Slightly incoherent, definitely Spoilery Squee

Feb 14, 2008 09:14

Under the cut (thank you BBC for the marvellous iPlayer, which allowed me to get both this and "Adam" in just an hour this morning and watch both eps before 9 am!)

That was so absolutely awesome that I'm going to be grinning like an utter lunatic for the rest of the day... Seriously my smile's so wide, I think the top of my head might fall off ! :D

Loved it! Loved Martha, loved the Martha/Jack friendship - and that the Jones family sent Jack their love, loved the way she got on well with everyone (didn't feel unrealistic because she's got that natural empathy that makes her fit in well everywhere - we saw it time and again in S3), loved her stealthy undercover work, loved her pwning Owen and spouting technobabble!, loved her "Then I come back to my senses" line about missing the Doctor a tiny bit, TOTALLY loved the fact that it appears Ten recommended Martha to UNIT (about bloody time he acknowledged he owes her big time), LOVED Jack telling Owen he'd trust Martha to save the world, LOVED "Martha's Theme" playing in the background when Owen was telling Jack not to send Martha undercover...

Favourite line? When the big old wheel door's opening and Martha's about to enter, Jack says "Suddenly in an underground mortuary on a wet night in Cardiff I hear the song of a Nightingale" - oh Jack, you romantic !! I ♥ ♥ you !!!

Can you tell I loved it?! *big, BIG grin*

Looks like she's definitely dating Tom Milligan as she tells Owen she's got a boyfriend and when Owen jokes about said B/F not saving her life, she says "He did actually"...

And bloody hell but that ending was a complete SHOCK !! Is it next week yet???

episode: reset, squee, character: martha jones love, tv: torchwood season 2, review

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