Fic Update

Dec 17, 2007 11:44

It's been quite a while since I posted one of these - largely because Ten!Bunny was making a mockery of them - chewing on my brain with plots that bore no resemblance to the fics I'd just mentioned I was going to write (he's a sneaky beggar!).

However, I wanted to make an "official" note to the effect that I'm going to be writing a sort-of alternate Season 3 in the new year. I'm not giving up writing Ten/Martha (too many stories still to tell with those two, both during and after season 3), but I'm going to be doing a series of stories featuring Martha and the Eighth Doctor - looking at how things would have turned out if Martha had met Eight instead of Ten. I am *not* planning to re-write season 3, because the idea makes me go wide-eyed in a combination of horror and astonishment ! I'm not fond enough of most of S3 to want to do that - and besides, I think it would get dull for me, never mind you...

So it's an AU Season 3 introducing Martha Jones as the new Companion of the Doctor, but it'll be the Eighth Doctor whom she meets and travels with...

I also have a couple of stand-alone Eight/Martha stories lined up to write, and some Ten/Other-Companions-than-Martha stories to write as well... And yes, I'll be properly adding Donna Noble into the mix too, but most likely NOT before S4 airs as I want to see more of her post-TRB characterisation first.

fic update

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