DW: The Doctor's Wife - Random Squee

May 14, 2011 20:05

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/432023.html">Random Squee about The Doctor's Wife by Neil Gaiman (bitches!) by < lj user=persiflage_1>

- I COULD just type SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - but I won't!

- The Doctor's face, when he says 'I've got mail' - too cute how excited he was...

- The Doctor's ditching the swimming pool again? Blimey!

- Oh-kay.... She just swallowed the TARDIS' soul? What the Frilly Heck?!

- This is not the first time a TARDIS has taken on Human form (see here for more. And does anyone remember when so many of us thought Astrid was the TARDIS in Human form?)

- Doctor: Time Lords. Somewhere close by are lots and lots of Time Lords...
Oh my giddy aunt!

- Amy: You wanna be forgiven.
The Doctor: Don't we all?
Very perceptive of Amy...

- Rory: He'll be fine. He's a Time Lord.
Amy: That's what he's called. It doesn't mean he knows what he's doing.
LOL So true!

- The Doctor: They can't all be in here.
Unless it's bigger on the inside?

- Oh, no, it's not - it's a cupboard full of those mail boxes...

- Idris/the TARDIS: What makes you think I'd ever take you back?
HA!! There are those of us who've held it as fanon that the TARDIS wanted the Doctor to 'steal' her...

- Uh-oh! The Cloister Bell's ringing. That's bad. That's very bad...

- Idris: The orangey-girl.
LOL Reminds me of when Rose was described as pink and yellow.

- The Doctor: What do I call you?
Idris: Sexy. You call me Sexy.
The Doctor: Only when we're alone...
LOL Appropriate icon IS appropriate!!

- Idris: No, but I always took you where you were needed.
HA! Another bit of fanon made canon. I LOVE Neil Gaiman!

- Yay!! It's the old Coral desktop themed Control Room! *bounces*

- Amy: Did you wish really hard?
LOL I love that that's her reaction to the TARDIS in female form!

- What's Idris whispering to Rory?

- Idris: I always loved it when you called me 'old girl'

- Aw... The Doctor's crying over Idris' death, and Rory's all misty-eyed, and so am I!

- Idris' message to the Doctor, via Rory: The only water in the forest is the river.
Oooh? Reference to River Song? (*is thinking of Forest of the Dead*)

Someone described Neil's episode as a love letter to the show. AND IT IS!!!!!

dw: season 6, dw: gaiman is god!, character: amy pond, writer: neil gaiman, character: rory williams, doctor who, reaction post, spoilers, character: the tardis, character: eleventh doctor

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