DW: The Impossible Astronaut & Day of the Moon - Ruminations

May 01, 2011 15:21

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/430688.html">Ruminations on DW 6.01 & 6.02 (or Why River Song needs to marry me!) by < lj user=persiflage_1>

I'm not sure if I'll do one of these every week, but here's some thoughts on the Season 6 opening two-parter. Oh, and here be Spoilers, natch!

The Impossible Astronaut

I *love* River's slow smile as she opens the TARDIS blue envelope - and then her outright grin as she realises she'll be escaping the Storm Cage again.

I need to icon this!

- The Future!Doctor says he's been running his whole life - which fits in with fanon as well as suggestions from canon.

- I'm convinced (after 2 viewings) that it's Eleven in the spacesuit, not the little girl, when future!Doctor gets shot.

I know the Doctor's just died and all, but I'm just gonna pause to admire River's cleavage. So I'm shallow, so sue me! At least I only noticed this on the second viewing!

- River: There're whole empires out there who'd rip this world apart for just one cell [of the Doctor's body] - so that's why Ten put the Master's body on a pyre (not that that did much good!) in TLotTL.

- River: We do what the Doctor's friends always do - as we're told.
Um, since when, exactly?

- Oh yes! I was waiting for *someone* to slap the Doctor and I'd put money on it being River!

- Oh gods! River's face when the Doctor tells her doesn't trust her. Seeing her close her eyes and swallow made me want to hug her. Especially given how readily he then accepts Amy's word.

- Heh, interesting that River's adjusting the TARDIS' controls behind the Doctor's back, unlike in the Weeping Angels 2-parter last year, when she did it openly and he got irritated.

- River: I hate him
Eleven: No you don't.
How did he know she'd said that? So far as I know, the scanner's one-way.

- Doctor: Codename The Doctor. These are my top operatives: The Legs (Amy), The Nose (Rory) and Mrs Robinson.
River: I hate you.
Doctor: No you don't.
Even on the second viewing that still cracked me up!

- Doctor: Dr Song, you've got that face on again.
River: What face?
Doctor: The 'He's hot when he's clever' face.
River: This is my normal face.
Doctor: Yes it is.
River. Oh shut up.
Doctor: Not a chance
I love the greater level of flirtatious banter they've got going on this time. And it's interesting that the Doctor said he doesn't trust her, yet he's flirting madly with her.

- River: Don't worry, I'm quite the screamer. Now there's a spoiler for you.

- When River's talking to Rory about the first time she met the Doctor, as an 'impressionable young girl', she mentions him dropping out of the sky. It's no wonder Rory later thinks Amy's talking about the Doctor not himself when he's listening to Amy talking via that telepathic recording device.

Day of the Moon

- Ha! The Doctor clicks his fingers to open the TARDIS doors. Nice one!

- Okay, that bit where the Silents are nesting on the ceiling actually is a bit creepy (though I don't find them scary per se). It's also a homage to an episode of Firefly.

River looks gorgeous in that blue outfit!

Okay, what the hell was that woman peering through the door all about?!

- Doctor: She'll definitely kill at least the first three of you.
River: Oh the first seven easily.
Doctor: Seven, really?
River: Eight for you honey.
Doctor: Stop it.
River: Make me.
Doctor: Yeah, well, maybe I will.
Much as I love this flirty banter, I'm reminded of the stupid ranting of Ten at Colonel Mace in the Sontaran two-parter back in Season 4, when he was bitching about an ARMY man carrying a gun, and I find myself longing to smack RTD upside the head YET again!

- River: You've got a screwdriver, go build a cabinet.
Doctor: That's really rude.
River: Shut up and drive.

- The bit where River's spinning around shooting all the Silents is another steal from Firefly - this time the movie Serenity.

The word Guh! springs to mind!

- The scene where Canton reveals he wants to marry a black man feels really tacked on to me.

- Doctor: Have I forgotten something?
River: Oh shut up.

Strange how this incarnation hardly seems to know what to do with his hands/arms while River's kissing him, yet kiss-slut!Ten had no problems on that score!

River's expression when the Doctor reveals they've never kissed before breaks my heart all over again. Gods, Alex is GOOD!

- Whoa! The little girl's regenerating?! Okay, I'm not convinced that she's actually Amy's kid, despite the ambiguity of the TARDIS' scan of Amy (being positive then negative, then flicking back), though I did wonder whether the Silents had made Amy pregnant via IVF (especially since they talked of Amy being honoured and 'bringing the Silents'), and the TARDIS scan isn't coming up positive or negative 'cos the kid's editing herself out of the ship's memory. I am also wondering, though, if the child is a regenerated Jenny. After all, Georgia M was pregnant with David Tennant's baby while this was being filmed, so they could hardly get her back to play Jenny from The Doctor's Daughter. I don't know *why* Jenny would've regenerated into a child, but there's no real reason why she couldn't have done so.

Well, that was intriguing - and fun (I *love* non-linear storytelling myself - both as a writer and consumer of stories). I look forward to more on this stuff later in the season...

dw: season 6, actor: alex kingston, picspam, character: amy pond, character: river song, character: rory williams, doctor who, reaction post, dw: moffat is mighty!, character: eleventh doctor

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