Law & Order: UK 4.01 - Help - Reaction Post and Picspam

Mar 08, 2011 11:13

Quite why ITV thought it necessary to change the running order of the Season 4 episodes, I don't know. BBC America and CityTV (in Canada) both aired 'ID' first - but ITV, in their infinite wisdom decided to air Terry Cafola's 'Help' first. (Well, I sort of know why - they're trying to foreshadow James' departure at the end of the season, but really, that's LAME people!)

- Ronnie: Been at the unleaded again Joy?
LOL at his reaction to her enthusiasm for the dead guy's car...

- Andrew's Restaurant Hackney, Wednesday 16 Feb

- Barry Flowers Wednesday 16 Feb

- I don't think Ronnie and Matt can quite cope with Barry Flowers being a florist!

- LOL at Matt nicking Ronnie's food from his hand.

- St Mark's Church Dalston, Friday 18 Feb

- The Warren Hotel Shoreditch, Friday 18 Feb

- Uh-oh, this doesn't look good for Mike Jones, having a rehearsed alibi!

- Flat of Mike Jones Hackney (He lives in Alesha's old stomping grounds), Saturday 19 Feb

- Oh no, Matt and Ronnie are going to arrest the groom-to-be on his wedding day!

- Ooh, Matt and Ronnie are working in an upstairs secure office with bars over the windows because Don Marsh is known to have cops in his pocket.

- The Palms Casino Lowe Street, Monday 21 Feb

- Natalie: "We search Marsh's office. There's a JP (Justice of the Peace) downstairs, I'll get her to sign the warrant. No briefings, no mobiles. Just load any uniform[ed officer] you trust into a carrier. I don't want Marsh getting a heads up."

- Blimey! Ronnie's talking down a kid with a gun, and Matt's calling in the cavalry (the armed response unit).

- I laughed at Natalie bringing *Matt* the tea with four sugars, not Ronnie, who's the one who had the gun in his face and so might be supposed to be in shock. And I laughed again at Ronnie telling Matt he doesn't get rid of him that easily.

- Ha! Nice one Natalie, going all angry mother on Charlie to get him to talk.

- I giggled at James winding Matt up over the evidence, and Alesha's obvious amusement, even as she points out to Matt that he's being wound up.

(Excuse me while I drool over Alesha in my favourite of her shirts - the dark red one!)

- Gray's Inn Walk Holborn, Thursday 24 Feb

- James: I don't know, I give you one simple job...
Oi! Not Alesha's fault that Mike's so pissed off! Be nice James, you need her!

- Central Criminal Court, Thursday 24 Feb

- If that judge isn't in Marsh's pay, I'm the Queen of Sheba! James is very pissed off that the judge is supporting Jason's application to dismiss the case now that the evidence has gone missing.

- Jason: You're the only person that's ever beaten me, James [in 'Love and Loss']. Can't let that stand.

- James: Good luck representing Marsh, it's going to take more than hand gel to wash his dirt away.

- Crown v Marsh Trial Day 2, Tues 15 March

- I love the way that James instantly knows that Marsh has got at Charlie so that he'll lie in court. Alesha optimistically points out that Charlie's in the witness protection program, but James reminds her of the evidence stolen out of the locked police evidence store.

- LOL at George's comment about not being an optimist, and which national football team does he support!

- Guh! James' shirt's open at the neck AND he's got tongue action going on. *melts*

- Crown v Marsh Trial Day 3, Wednesday 16 March

- James (to the judge with a disbelieving scoff): You'll hold me in contempt?
I think James holds the judge in contempt!

- James: I feel like I'm fighting Marsh with both hands tied behind my back. What do you suggest? A Glasgow kiss? [ie a headbutt]
George: Only as a last resort.
LOL Whut?! Bad George!

- James to George: Excuse me for thinking about his feelings. I'll make sure it never happens again.
Oh dear. James' case is going badly and now George is ticking him off. Clearly he needs Alesha to cheer him up. *coughs*

- Alesha says she'll track Mike down and do some grovelling.
I wondered if she was worried James and George were going to have a full scale row since she was looking from one to the other as she made that offer.

- The Warren Hotel Shoreditch, Thursday 17 March

- Alesha's goes to try to talk Mike into ID-ing Marsh. I love the way she uses a mixture of sympathy and pleading.

- Uh-oh! Marsh has sent someone after Mike's fiancee.

- Poor Mike and Fiona - they didn't want to get dragged into this. And poor James and Alesha, trying to persuade two scared and angry people to help them get Marsh convicted.

- George: We're supposed to be the good guys.
James: Yeah, but the bad guys don't play by the rules.
That's true!

- Legal Visits Rooms Ashbridge Prison, Friday 18 March

- James is in best bluffing mode, doing his best to salvage his case.

- Alesha: You should have told me what you were doing.
James: Yeah, but you'd have only tried to talk me out of it. [I wonder why?!]
Alesha: You told him Mike's still prepared to give evidence!
James: We need to find out who's intimidating Mike. If that means I have to poke a rattlesnake to get a reaction, then that's what I have to do.
[Alesha looks less than impressed with this argument!]
Alesha: James, you are playing Russian roulette with his life!

- Camden Police Station Albany Street, Thursday 24 March

- Oh Lor'! James must be close to tearing out his hair now that Mike's slipped away from his close protection team and been arrested for driving as a cabbie without a licence.

- James: I was being genuine, Jason.
Jason: That's your problem, James, you care.
James: Since when was caring a dirty word?
Jason: It'll be your downfall one day.
James: Yeah, you maybe right. But you know what? I can't think of a better way to go.
[Dun, dun, dun. Foreshadowing much!]

- Alesha: How did you convince Fiona to come to court?
James: I thought *you* did that.
Lucky for them that she came by her own choice and that Mike saw her and had the courage to tell the court what he'd seen and not bow to the Defence's haranguing.

picspam, reaction post, actor: freema agyeman, actor: ben daniels, tv: law & order: uk

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