Ahead of tonight's episode being broadcast, Head Writer Emilia di Girolamo said this was "a good one for Alesha". Naturally this made me bounce!
- Monday 13 Spetember - Hackney - Alesha's old stomping ground.
- Good gods! Are kids today really that laid back about guns?!
- That, my boys, is for you to find out. Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE Natalie?!
- Do they look like they're joking to you? Because to me, Matt and Ronnie look very serious indeed!
- So the dead prison officer's been dealing drugs? That adds an extra complication!
- Oh! So Alesha was on the prosecution team for Tamika? I love it when we get little references to past cases that we've not seen.
- Alesha: Make yourself useful - as she gives Matt an enormous box of files to carry. LOL
- And then she slings her big red leather bag on top... *giggles*
- Alesha, I'm rather surprised that you didn't realise that was where this conversation was going - that Matt and Ronnie wanted you to go and talk to Tamika. Because it seemed pretty obvious to me! And I laughed at Matt's attempt to flirt. All Alesha ever does is smile quietly - when she's not giving him disbelieving looks that say "I can't belive you just said that!"
- Thursday 16 Sept. Alesha looks pretty uncomfortable in that prison visitors room - I wonder how many prison visits she's made? Tamika's brief on the other hand, looks totally relaxed - to the point of not caring.
- It's interesting that Tamika assumes Alesha's got a "posh flat" and a "happy family" just because she works for the CPS.
- Flipping heck! What's she trying to do, throttle Alesha?!
- James: You can take the girl out of Hackney...
Alesha: You should see the other girl.
Ha! Nice one Alesha! Clearly, though, James needs to kiss Alesha's throat better... :P
- I love the way he sits at her desk to eat his lunch...
- James: You really don't like losing, do you?
Pot, kettle! I wonder if Alesha learnt that trait from James? Somehow I doubt it - I reckon she's always been that way.
- Alesha: Girl attacked me, James. I'm not exactly feeling the love right now.
James: You've seen where she grew up.
Alesha: Seen it? I grew up there. She could be in my shoes if she wanted.
James: And you could be sewing mail bags at Cold Norton.
Alesha: Uh, no, because I got off my backside and worked three jobs to get myself through Law School. (Knew Alesha was a fighter!)
James: Maybe she didn't have your brains? Or balls? (I see you smirking James!)
- Friday 17 September - Ronnie: Translate, Matty, I don't speak wannabe gangster. LOL
- James has suddenly turned into Sherlock?
- Nope, I didn't think Jardine would speak out against Marshall - he's got everyone too intimidated.
- I could see Tamika was waiting for the right moment to touch Marshall's hand. She's so obviously smitten with him. Poor woman.
- There's George! I was beginning to think we wouldn't see him in this ep!
- Tamika was pregnant? Wow.
- Wednesday 22 September - Alesha's not going to be happy about Tamika's attitude towards her.
- So the dead prison officer was keeping tabs on Tamika's daughter?
- Blimey, Alesha, you're flashing a lot there, girl!
- Alesha: Oh, I see. It doesn't matter who gets hurt as long as you get him right?
Alesha knows just how ruthless James can be. She may hate losing, but she won't hurt people in her attempts to win.
- Friday 24 Sept - James isn't going to be happy about the gun being dismissed as evidence.
- George: Have you two been at the sherry?! LOL
- James: Marshall's the prize, not Tamika.
Alesha: But George said -
James: Screw George!
Wow, James! You do know George can HEAR you, don't you?!
(Anyone else notice that they've given George's office a door into James' in remodelling the set?)
- James: Get to that prison, put on your best Hackney girl charm. You're the only one who can prize that chip of Tamika's shoulder. *snorts*
- James is more or less trying to bribe Tamika's brief here. He's a Legal Aid lawyer, so not immune to bribery.
- Aha, Alesha's been with the CPS for at least 3 years.
- Ooh! Alesha can do emotional blackmail too..
- Mon 1st November - Crown v Vincent Day 6
- George: Whatever you're up to, just make sure you get the right result.
- Alesha: You don't like losing, do you?
I love the way Alesha throws that back at James, after he said it to her a few weeks ago.
- Uh-oh! Marshall turning up at the trial could wreck everything James is hoping to achieve.
- Tamika: No, there was only me and him who knew about it.
Watch the penny drop as she says that.
- Oh hell! Alesha's face when Tamika asks James if he knows what it feels like to be raped.
- Tamkia: It's like there's something wrong and everyone can see.
That's an echo of something Alesha said to Matt, back in Samaritan.
- So the jury's hung (ie an equal number think she's guilty as think she's not guilty).
- Tamika: Why are you doing all this for me? [Fair questions, given her attitude to Alesha so far!]
Alesha: I - work with women who've been raped. [I think it was in her mind to say she'd been raped.] I've seen what it does to them. How they lose their power, turn on themselves. Rape can happen to anyone, and anyone can take that power back. [As Alesha has managed to do.]
Excellent episode. I'm off to placate the rampageous plot bunny now!