Who_Daily Link: < a href="
http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/369282.html">The Vampires of Venice - Reaction Post by < lj user=persiflage_1>
Here be spoilers, of course...
- so a 16th century Venetian school will give a girl who's a person of colour a place, will it? Hmm.
- Oh gods! The Doctor's just burst out of the stripper's cake at Rory's stag do.
- No, no, don't tell Rory that Amy kissed you, you silly ALIEN!!
- Rory isn't surprised by the TARDIS being larger on the inside because he's been reading up on all the latest scientific theories since Prisoner Zero. I KNEW he was a smart cookie!
- Doctor owes Casanova a chicken because of a bet... Now I'm wanting to see Eleven and Tennant!Casanova meeting... *snerk*
- OMG! According to the psychic paper Rory is Amy's Eunuch!
- Rory asks Amy is she missed him, and she doesn't really answer...
- Amy runs towards the scream, then chases the vampire - typical Companion!
- The Doctor's posing in front of a mirror! Vain boy!
- The Doctor shows his library card instead of the psychic paper, and it's got a photo of the First Doctor on it!! :D :D
- The Doctor and Amy giggling and jigging about when they meet up after separately encountering the vamps is a lot less obnoxious than Ten & Rose seeing the werewolf in Tooth and Claw...
- The Doctor suggests pretending to be Amy's dad - and she says he's nine! HAHA! Then he suggests pretending to be her brother - which she says is weird. Then he suggests pretending to be her fiance - and Rory, rightly, objects. Isbella's dad observes that he thought the Doctor was Amy's fiance.
- So Rory pretends to be Amy's brother to get her into the school - complete with appropriate costumes for them both.
- LOL Isabella's dad's wearing Rory's stag night shirt!
- Rory asks the Doctor to promise him something - but what? That was a bit badly edited, methinks...
- Rory then asks the Doctor what happened between them for Amy to be kissing him.
- The Doctor pulls a HUGE UV light out of his tweed jacket pocket!
- Oh! The vamps are draining water AND blood from their victims? Weird, that...
- Rory says the Doctor's dangerous because he makes people want to impress him. He's not wrong.
- Go Amy!! She kicked the vamp lady and reveals that she's not really human!
- If Isabella's not an actual vampire why can't she bear the sunlight?
- There's something strange in the water...
- So Rosanna is a Sister of the Water from Saturn 9.
- Rosanna says the Doctor should be in a museum - or a mausoleum because he's the last of the Time Lords.
- She tells the Doctor she left Saturn 9 because of the silence, and that there were cracks in the world. She and her people fled, and got trapped on Earth after the crack they fled through closed.
- The Doctor says he'll tear down the House of Calvierri because Rosanna didn't know Isabella's name.
- The Doctor: They're not vampires, they're fish from space.
- The Doctor: Blimey, fish from space have never been so barfsome. (ETA: Actually that was "buxom" not "barfsome" - ENUNCIATE clearly Mr Smith, PLEASE!)
- Isabella's dad blows up his home - and the fish girls.
- The Doctor sends Amy back to the TARDIS and Rory thanks him.
- Amy: Hey! Mummy's boy! (And then she destroys fish!boy with reflected sunlight from a mirror.
- Amy calls Rory a numpty, and then snogs him vigorously before they rush off to help the Doctor.
- Rosanne asks the Doctor if his conscience can carry the weight of another dead race.
- Amy: Got my spaceship, got my boys. My work here is done.
- Rory says he and the Doctor aren't Amy's boys, but the Doctor disagrees.
- Just as the "boys" are about to follow Amy into the TARDIS utter silence falls on Venice.
Final observation - what happened to Van Gogh? They appear to have cut that scene... *is puzzled*
I'm glad Moffat knows how to write boyfriends who aren't idiots! And I'm glad Rory's going on more trips!