Title: Drabbles of Fic
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha, Jack/Martha
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season 3/Mark Michalowski's Wetworld
Disclaimer: The BBC owns "Doctor Who" and all that jazz…
Author Notes: These are some of the Drabbles (stretching the definition of "Drabble" somewhat) I wrote for the
lifeonmartha Drabble Tag to celebrate the Community reaching 1000 members. Posted here for anyone who's not a member of LoM (and why aren't you?! ^_~) Where possible, I've noted who posted the prompt. I've held back on posting two of the drabbles I wrote as I took them out of a later chapter of my latest fic ("I've Only Got Eyes For You")
The Doctor discovers Martha has very soft skin. (For
Martha lay on the Doctor's coat, watching the sun set. The Doctor lay beside her, watching her.
"Stop staring at me," she murmured.
"I'm sorry." He sounded contrite, which surprised her. She turned her head to look at him. "I can't help it though," he whispered.
"Your skin looks lovely in this light." He reached out a hand and ran a finger across her bare arm. "Your skin is so soft." He bent his head and ran the tip of his tongue up her arm from her wrist to her inside elbow, causing Martha's skin to tingle pleasantly. "I want to worship it."
"Don't let me stop you," Martha murmured with a pleased smile.
* * * * *
"So Doctor, what makes me look sexier? The red or the black?" (For
Martha stood in front of the Doctor wearing only a towel around her waist. "So, Doctor, what makes me look sexier? The red or the black?"
Martha raised an eyebrow. "Pardon?"
"I - I think I'd have to see you wearing them to answer," he managed after swallowing hard several times.
"OK." Martha put the black beret on, and tilted it to a fetching angle, then gave him a dazzling smile, before switching it for the red beret.
"Red," the Doctor answered. "Miss Jones, why are trying on hats clad only in a towel?"
Martha looked down. "Um - it was a shameless attempt to seduce you."
"It worked," he growled. "Leave the beret on." He pulled off her towel.
* * * * * *
Martha and the TARDIS team up against the Doctor (Set after Mark Michalowski's "Wetworld") (For
Martha watched in secret delight as the TARDIS shocked the Doctor for the third time. "Ow!" He shoved his fingers in his mouth and sucked hard, and she wished she could do that for him. He glared down at the console. "What's got into you today?" he asked petulantly.
"I expect she's still unhappy about you landing us both in a swamp," Martha observed.
"That was an accident!" protested the Doctor, his voice squeaking upwards an octave.
"I daresay, but don't you think you should be making it up to us?"
He sighed heavily. "If it means I don't get any more shocks. Just this once, Miss Jones, I'll do anything you want for the next hour."
He nodded, wondering just what Martha would come up with and trying not to worry at the smile that was growing on her face.
* * * * * *
Martha gets drunk and goes to chat with the Doctor. (For
The Doctor was lying on his back, his head under the console, when he heard Martha wander into the Control Room. His nose twitched. She'd found Jack's stash of hyper vodka, judging by the faint scent that accompanied her. A human wouldn't have noticed it, but he did.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Martha."
"No but I really love you. Really, really. More than - "
"More than what?" Now his curiosity's piqued.
"More than hot chocolate with marshmallows."
What? "That's nice."
"No, more than, more than - " He waited patiently and continued fiddling with wires. "More than that John Barrowman bloke on the telly. And he's GORGEOUS!"
The Doctor resolved to find out who 'that John Barrowman' bloke was as soon as possible.
* * * * * *
The next three I decided to link together - and the third one completely got away from me and ended being over 200 words long ! *blushes*
Martha and Jack have a drink (For
"This is nice," Martha said, swallowing another mouthful of whisky.
"So are you," answered Jack easily.
Martha giggled. "You're such a flirt!"
"That's true. But I was telling the truth. You're a lovely woman Martha Jones. The Doctor doesn't deserve you."
"The Doctor doesn't *have* me," she retorted.
"Does that mean I can, then?" Jack asked instantly.
"Maybe. Buy me another drink first."
"I'll do better than that. I'll buy you dinner to go with it, and then we're going dancing."
"Jack Harkness, you're my kind of man."
Jack Harkness smirked as he led the Doctor's Companion out of the TARDIS, suddenly grateful that the Doctor had decided to do some repairs as well as refuelling in Cardiff.
Martha's dating Jack. The Doctor finds out. (For
"You're what?" asked the Doctor angrily.
"I'm dating Martha," answered Jack, smiling blithely.
"Who said you could?"
"She did. She's her own woman Doc, and you don't want her. Half the time you don't even know she exists!"
"Yes I do!"
"Prove it then, because she doesn't believe you do."
"Right then, I will!"
Jack Harkness smirked. This should be interesting, very interesting indeed. He watched as the Doctor stomped off into the depths of the TARDIS and wondered if he should warn Martha, or just wait and see what happened.
Martha gets a present. (For
Martha opened the door to her room to go for some breakfast and found a large basket of exotic flowers outside her door. She blinked, puzzled, and picked it up. There was a card attached with a symbol on it, which she suddenly realised was Gallifreyan. The Doctor had got her flowers? How odd.
She set off for the kitchen, intending to find something to put the flowers in once she'd had some coffee, and suddenly noticed that the lighting in the corridor was a blush pink colour. She frowned, wondering if that meant the TARDIS was sick.
She reached the kitchen and went inside, but stopped dead on the threshold. The table was set with a snowy white cloth and laid with silver and bone china. A steaming pot of coffee was set on one side, and a full English breakfast was laid out, piping hot. The Doctor stepped into view, wearing his tux and carrying a white cloth over one arm.
"Breakfast is served Miss Jones."
Martha raised an eyebrow, then shrugged one shoulder and put the flowers to one side before sitting down. "To what do I owe this?" she asked, gesturing around.
"I wanted you to know I appreciate you."
"Yeah? Feel free to appreciate me any time then!" Martha said with a grin.