
Oct 19, 2009 18:56

Who_Daily Link: < a href="">Prisoner by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Androvax!Sarah Jane/Martha Jones | Rating: Hard R | Spoilers: SJA 3.01)

Title: Prisoner
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Androvax!Sarah Jane/Martha Jones
Rating: Hard R (Seriously!)
Warning: Dub-con
Spoilers: SJA: The Prisoner of the Judoon
Summary: Martha is trying to find Captain Tybo's missing prisoner - and discovers more than she bargained for.
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: This is a missing scene fic that I could not get out of my head, and I'm probably going to go to Hell for writing it.

Betas: abstruse_fangrl and catholicphoton


Martha moaned in pleasure as Sarah Jane's forked tongue slid into her slick cunt, teasing her as it penetrated deeply inside her. The older woman's hands held her thighs wide apart, the alien that possessed her giving her greater than normal strength.

"Yes, you like that, don't you?" she hissed, withdrawing her tongue and sliding two fingers into Martha instead.

"Yes!" gasped Martha, straining at the wrist cuffs that held her to the bed. Her ankles were also tied - her legs spread wide open to the feral gaze of older woman.

Sarah Jane flicked her tongue against Martha's clit, and the younger woman cried out in pleasure. "I'm going to make you scream," Sarah Jane said, her voice sounding much more seductive than usual as the Veil creature spoke through her. "And then I'm going to fuck you."

Martha moaned again. When she'd left the main UNIT team investigating the crashed Judoon ship, to follow the traces of the energy from the ship's lifepod, and then the traces of the Veil's own energy signature, until she'd ended up at Bannerman Road, she hadn't expected to discover the missing alien prisoner inhabiting her friend's body.

* * * * * *

20 minutes ago

Martha knocked on the front door of the house to which the energy signature had led her. She had a feeling there was something significant about the address 13 Bannerman Road, but she wasn't sure what it was, and shrugged it off as unimportant at the moment.

The door opened, and Martha began to smile as she saw that the woman on the other side was none other than the Doctor's former travelling companion, Sarah Jane Smith.

"Hello", she said. "This is going to sound really weird, but are you harbouring an escaped alien?"

The older woman seemed to shudder slightly, raising her shoulders and ducking her head as she peered up at Martha. "Dr Jones," she rasped, her voice huskier than usual. "Come in."

Martha stepped inside, looking warily at the other woman. "You okay?" she asked. "Your throat sounds a bit rough."

Sarah Jane gave her a smile that looked wrong, then gestured towards the stairs. "Come up to the attic," she suggested.

"Is that where the alien is?" asked Martha. The hairs on the back of her neck were prickling and her senses were screaming at her that something was very wrong, but she made herself stay calm; she daren't risk the prisoner escaping if it was here.

Sarah Jane simply lead the way up the stairs and Martha followed, wondering if she had enough sedative on her to knock out the alien.

They reached the first floor landing, and Martha was slightly surprised when Sarah Jane led her into what was obviously her bedroom, rather than on up to the attic.

"Why are we in here?" asked the young doctor quietly, wondering if the alien was in the attic and Sarah Jane wanted to confer with her first.

"I think you must have realised by now, Dr Jones, that you're not just dealing with your friend now."

"I knew from the minute she opened the door, actually," Martha said, speaking as calmly as she could.

"Yet you still came upstairs with me. Why is that, I wonder?"

"I was hoping to lull you into a false sense of security," admitted the younger woman.

The alien laughed. "You're too trusting in your own abilities, young woman. You will obey me, or I will make your friend suffer."

Martha crossed her arms over her chest. "Really?"

Sarah Jane suddenly screamed, her own voice echoing around the room.

"All right, all right!" Martha exclaimed. "Whatever you're doing to her, just stop it. What do you want me to do."

"I think a little humiliation is in order," the alien said, Sarah Jane's voice rasping again as it spoke through her. "Strip."

The young woman bit her lip indecisively for a moment, before bending to unlace her boots. Within a few minutes she was naked, her clothes in a heap on the floor, and her friend was fastening her wrists to the head of the bed with some restraints. Martha wondered at Sarah Jane having those, and the silk scarves with which she then tied Martha's ankles to the bed: clearly there were aspects to her friend that her older mother persona belied.

* * * * * *


The combination of the alien tongue and Sarah Jane's fingers working inside her cunt quickly drove Martha over the edge, and she did, indeed, scream Sarah Jane's name as her orgasm crashed through her body, her hips bucking upwards.

As she came down from her high, Martha was aware of Sarah Jane unfastening her trousers and she gazed in disbelief as the older woman pulled out a sizeable cock. The alien tongue flickered out and over her lips, and Martha realised that just as the alien could extrude its own tongue through Sarah Jane's body, so, too, it could extrude its cock.

Martha watched in fascination as Sarah Jane stroked the cock to hardness until it swelled to half its original size again.

"Oh fuck!" she gasped as the older woman positioned herself between Martha's spread legs.

"Yes!" hissed Sarah Jane. "We will." The cock seemed to undulate of its own accord as she placed the head against Martha's wet entrance, and then it was slithering inside her, stretching her cunt muscles in order to accommodate its girth.

The young doctor moaned and whimpered as the alien erection penetrated deeper and deeper into her slick heat, filling her as she'd never been filled before. Sarah Jane pressed her body tightly against Martha's and the younger woman could feel her friend's nipples were hard and knew that on some level Sarah Jane was enjoying this too. Then the alien's forked tongue slid inside her mouth and Martha found herself being kissed and fucked at the same time. The forked tongue played over her own tongue, teeth and the roof of her mouth, stroking sensuously around, and she found herself tugging at her bonds, wishing she could clasp Sarah Jane's head.

When the alien released her mouth, Martha gasped and panted for breath as the tip of the tongue moved lightly across her face. At the same time, the repeated thrusts of the alien's cock inside her cunt were driving her ever closer to another orgasm, then Sarah Jane bit down on one of her hard nipples and Martha came with a lusty yell, her muscles tightening around the cock that was still thrusting inside her body.

The possessed woman continued to pound into the young doctor, driving her to two more orgasms before the cock was suddenly withdrawn to spurt its thick yellow sperm across her belly and breasts.

"Can't risk creating a filthy half-breed," rasped the alien with her friend's face.

Martha lay gasping, watching as the cock shrank and then was tucked out of sight.

"You'll excuse me, I'm sure," Sarah Jane said, an amused smirk on her face. "I have things to do."

"Wait!" exclaimed Martha as the older woman moved towards the bedroom door. "Untie me!"

Sarah Jane laughed mockingly. "So you can stop me?" she rasped. "I don't think so."

The young doctor swore violently as her alien-possessed friend disappeared through the door. She spent ten minutes trying to release herself from her restraints, but nothing availed her efforts, and she was still struggling when she heard Sarah Jane's front door banging shut.

Exhausted by her efforts to escape and the mind-blowing sex, she fell asleep.

* * * * * *

An hour later

"Oh Martha!" exclaimed a familiar voice.

The young doctor opened her eyes and saw her friend at the foot of the bed, untying the scarves that bound her ankles.

"I'm sorry," Sarah Jane said.

"What happened to the alien?" asked Martha worriedly.

"He's gone. The Judoon caught up with him." She couldn't hide a proud smile. "My son, Luke, saved the day, saved the Earth."

"I'm glad to hear it," the younger woman said sincerely. "Where is he?"

"He and Clyde have gone across the road to Rani's house. Her parents got caught up in events. I came back here, supposedly to get my notebook and pencil to record their story, but really because I was worried when I realised you'd still be here."

She moved up the bed and unfastened the wrist cuffs, her eyes averted from her friend's naked body.

"Thanks," Martha said, too relieved to feel much embarrassment. "Do you mind if I take a quick shower before I go?"

"Oh!" Sarah Jane blushed bright red. "No, of course not." She stepped back from the bed as the younger woman swung her legs around and attempted to stand up. "Oh golly! Come here." She quickly realised that Martha was struggling to stand up after being tied up in one position for so long, and she slid an arm around the younger woman's body.

"I've got an en suite," she said, leading her friend across to another door, pushing it open to reveal a plush bathroom.

"Thanks." Martha leant against the wall for a moment. "Hadn't you better get over the road?" she suggested.

"Don't be silly," Sarah Jane said. "I'll just say I had to take a phone call, or something, in order to explain the delay. I can't leave you here to manage on your own when it's all my fault that you can barely stand."

"Not entirely your fault," Martha argued. "Unless you deliberately allowed the alien to possess you so you could have mind-blowing sex with me." She smirked at Sarah Jane's expression.

"Mind blowing?" asked the older woman, weakly.

"Oh yes," the young doctor said, her smirk widening.

Sarah Jane was blushing but Martha sensed she was also, in some small way, pleased. The younger woman allowed her friend to help her into the shower cubicle, wondering if Sarah Jane would be interested in a repeat (without the alien possession) performance.

"Well, um, yes. Can you manage?"

"I think it might be better if you stay there," Martha answered. "In case I fall over or something silly."

"Yes, okay."

The young doctor could feel her friend's gaze on her body as she showered, and she wondered if Sarah Jane was enjoying the view now that she was over her initial embarrassment.

Thoroughly clean, if dripping wet, Martha stepped back out of the shower cubicle and allowed Sarah Jane to wrap a large fluffy bath towel around her body. She leant forward and licked the shell of Sarah Jane's ear, before speaking into it. "I'd do that again, given the chance," she whispered, then she stepped past her stunned friend and moved back into the bedroom, looking around for her discarded clothes.

Sarah Jane stood stock still in the bathroom, her heart and thoughts both racing at the idea. She stepped through into the bedroom, and found Martha sitting on the edge of her bed as she put on her socks.

"You would?" the older woman asked.

The young doctor smirked. "Definitely. Only, not right now, okay?"

Sarah Jane couldn't help laughing. "Okay. I think I'd like that."

Martha shimmied her combat trousers back up her legs, then tucked in her t-shirt. "I'll give you my phone number," she suggested, "and we'll find a mutually convenient time."

"All right." As she spoke her mobile phone rang, startling them both for a moment. Sarah Jane pulled it out and assured her son that she'd be over to the Chandra's house in a few moments.

"I'd better get going, too," Martha said. "I need to explain my absence to Colonel Mace."

"You could tell him that you were helping me with Androvax," Sarah Jane suggested.

The young doctor grinned. "Better than telling him precisely what I was doing," she agreed. She pulled a small notepad from her pocket and scribbled down her email address and mobile phone number. "That's my home email address."

"I'll be in touch," Sarah Jane assured her.

"I look forward to it," Martha said.

They hurried down the stairs together, then paused for a moment to exchange a heated kiss in the hall before Sarah Jane let them out of the house and they went their separate ways.

fic genre: pr0n, fic genre: missing scene, character pairing: martha/sarah jane

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