Who_Daily Link: < a href="
http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/303475.html">Why Charlotte Pollard Pwns Rose Tyler by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Spoilers for Charley's audios, including Patient Zero, Paper Cuts & Blue Forgotten Planet)
Here be spoilers... )
That right there is the essence of what it means to be the Doctor's companion. You look after him when no else does, and you sacrifice the chance of traveling with him if that's what it comes down to. Charley did it so the Doctor could go on protecting the universe; in Nu!Who, Martha & Jack do it so that they can go on protecting the Earth.
Being the Doctor's companion means understanding that the right thing to do to keep the universe safe isn't often going to be the thing that makes you happy. And the one lesson that everyone learns from the get-go with the Doctor is that nothing lasts forever. You accept what you have while you have it, and you let it go when it's time to move on.
It's a lesson Rose still needs to learn.
Indeed. I think that's part of why the Doctor left his human counterpart with her: he knew that more than wanting someone to love her, she wanted to possess someone else. And so he gave her something that she didn't have to risk destroying the universe for if it was lost...
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I think that the Doctor knew Rose well enough to know that if he didn't leave her with something, she was just going to keep coming back through and trying to find him.
As persiflage_1 mentioned in her post, even when Rose was warned about the dangers of doing so, she still decided to come through. On the one hand I can understand trying to warn the Doctor, but on the other hand, it would have made sense for her to try and contact the UNIT or Torchwood of this world (or as is mentioned in the post SJS) as an alternative to breaking through the dimensional barriers. I'd think that knowing the dangers of the canon, it should have been a last last last resort...
Poor Handy.
I just re-watched that scene where the TARDIS dematerializes on the beach, and it struck me that Handy walks up to Rose and takes her hand and she just sort of stands there. And then she looks at him like "well, what am I going to do with you then?" Not a happy look, or a 'how are we going to make this work look.' But like she knows she's just been handed a consolation prize (though Handy is by far not a consolation prize at all).
Wow...this comment just became *way longer* than I'd ever intended! Sorry 'bout that. XD
Oh, and your icon? Awesome. :D
Exactly! Look at Midnight - he didn't have Donna or anyone else to watch his back, and he was nearly killed by a bunch of terrified humans. In the Whoniverse, the Doctor's the (flawed) hero and so everything revolves around him and his role.
Being the Doctor's companion means understanding that the right thing to do to keep the universe safe isn't often going to be the thing that makes you happy. And the one lesson that everyone learns from the get-go with the Doctor is that nothing lasts forever. You accept what you have while you have it, and you let it go when it's time to move on.
Everyone except Rose...
Indeed. I think that's part of why the Doctor left his human counterpart with her: he knew that more than wanting someone to love her, she wanted to possess someone else. And so he gave her something that she didn't have to risk destroying the universe for if it was lost...
Yeah. Poor Handy though... I can't help feeling bad for him.
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