Picspam: Ben Daniels in 'The Last Days of Lehman Brothers'

Sep 10, 2009 14:33

Last night the BBC aired 'The Last Days of Lehman Brothers' starring Ben Daniels in a cameo role as John Thain, CEO of Merrill Lynch. Spoilers within (if you can have spoilers for a docudrama!)

There's more on Ben's role at the BBC's Press Office website. In the meantime, here are some pics of Ben being Spexy (Sexy in Specs!) and hard-nosed...

John Thain apparently thinks sitting down is for wimps. Ben Daniels spends the opening scenes in which he appears standing around looking deeply unimpressed, yet ever so sexy in his wire-framed glasses. *melts*

Even when Hank Poulson (James Cromwell) is warning that Merrill Lynch is next in line after Lehman Brothers, John Thain remains unimpressed by the unfolding events.

A colleague tries to persuade the sceptical Thain that things really *are* as bad as Poulson is saying, and Thain eventually decides to go and talk to the head of the Bank of America.

Thain is less than impressed when an early morning phone call wakes him: his wife and his luxurious bed (with silk sheets, no less!) are far more attractive than financial crises in other banks! Wish I could have swapped places with his wife!

Thain's a sneaky bastard, and rings Ken Lewis (James Bolam), CEO of the Bank of America, in order to arrange a meeting so that Thain can get Lewis' financial support for Merrill Lynch.

The pair meet for a drink and a chat to sort out how much Lewis is going to give Thain, while Dick Fuld waits to find out the fate of his own bank - which Lewis wouldn't touch.

Thain heads back to the meeting at the Fed (Federal Reserve), where he runs into Poulson, who tells him he's doing the right thing by going to Lewis, and says Thain needn't stick around.

So Thain goes back to Lewis to agree final terms - and then goes home happy because he's saved his bank, even if Fuld won't.

Although Thain pauses on the way for the obligatory celebratory champagne at having escaped...

And then he really does go home, to his luxurious bed - and his solid gold wastepaper bin!
If anyone wants to use these screencaps for icon or other graphics purposes, feel free, but please do credit me for them!

picspam, tv that's not the whoniverse, actor: ben daniels

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