Brief Encounters

Feb 18, 2009 06:45

Who_Daily Link: < a href="">Brief Encounters by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha/Jack; Martha, Ten; Martha, Jack, Sarah Jane, Donna, Ten | Rating: G - NC-17 | Spoilers: Seasons 3 & 4)

Title: Brief Encounters
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha/Jack; Martha, Ten; Martha, Jack, Sarah Jane, Donna, Ten
Rating: G - NC-17
Spoilers: Seasons 3 & 4
Summary: Brief encounters between several companions and the Tenth Doctor.
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: After finishing "Nativitas", I was feeling mentally and emotionally burned out on fic writing. But after three days I was starting to twitch at not writing so I decided to try writing some Drabbles. Typically, once I began, I wrote more than 100 words, but at least it got me going again. All of the prompts for these short fics are from mischief89.


Martha/Jack, chocolate (Post-S3, NC-17)

Martha moaned breathily as Jack swirled his tongue around her belly button, chasing the last traces of the chocolate body paint he daubed across her skin.

She felt him grin against her skin before he lifted his head to look up from his prone position between her legs.

"I definitely like the white chocolate stuff," he told her, his eyes gleaming wickedly. "It looks so good on you."

"I'd never have guessed," she rasped, moaning again as he began to kiss a path up her body from her belly to her breasts and then her mouth.

"God! You. Are. A. Tease," she ground out, trying to glower up at him as he pressed his hard body against her soft curves.

He grinned down at her. "Takes one to know one," he answered, "and you were a real tease earlier." He ducked his head to kiss her deeply, their tongues battling, as he guided himself inside her heat.

"Fuck!" she gasped in surprise as he slid deep inside her.

"That's the plan," he answered calmly, then he began to move and she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

Martha had been surprised when he'd shown up at her new flat just a week after she'd moved in following her return to her studies and life on Earth. She'd been less surprised when he'd produced a bottle of wine and proceeded to seduce her: she'd been aware that he'd been instantly attracted to her the moment they met out at the end of the universe. And if she was honest, the attraction had been mutual. The moment when he'd said 'You too, huh?' in response to the Doctor's comments about being in love and not being seen had made her love him just a little.

"You're thinking too much, Martha Jones," Jack said, breaking into her reverie. "Always thinking too much." He began kissing, then nipping at her skin, forcing her to focus solely on what they were doing. It wasn't long before her first orgasm swept over her, and she forgot everything that had happened in the past year as she moaned his name into his ear while her muscles spasmed around him.

He smiled. He had a feeling he and Martha were going to have a lot of fun together.

* * * * * *

Martha, Ten, glasses (Post-S4, G)

Martha idly watched the Doctor as he pored over her laptop, his glasses on his nose, his jacket off and his tie askew. Finally he leaned back on the sofa and set the laptop back down onto the coffee table.

"You're all sorted now," he told her. "You, Jack and Sarah Jane can all use the subwave network to communicate with each other, pass data, et cetera, and no one else will know about it."

"Thank you. Do you want a fresh cuppa?"

He shook his head. "No, thanks." He circled his head and stretched his neck. "Oof! Too long bending over computers, I think," he said.

"Do you want a neck rub?" Martha asked.

"Mmm, that would be nice," he agreed. "But you don't have to."

"Silly," she said gently. "I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it. Sit on the floor, in front of me."

He raised an eyebrow at her, then shifted off the sofa and onto the floor, leaning back between her knees until she moved to sit cross-legged on the sofa behind him.

"Close your eyes," she said softly as she unfastened another button on his shirt then slipped her hands inside to massage his neck and shoulders.

The Doctor moaned softly when her thumbs dug into the knotted muscles of his neck, and he dropped his chin towards his chest.

"You could do this professionally," he murmured, "make a fortune."

"My gran always said I had healing hands," she answered.

"Wise woman."

After half an hour, he was so relaxed he was half asleep, and Martha had little trouble persuading him to stretch out on her sofa to take a nap before he disappeared again. He pulled off his glasses, and she set them on the coffee table before covering him with a fleece blanket. She bent to kiss his forehead and he opened his eyes, reached up with one hand and cupped her cheek.

"My Doctor," he said softly.

"Go to sleep," she told him.

"Mmm." He stroked his thumb along her cheekbone, then allowed his hand to drop and snuggled under the blanket.

Moments later he was asleep, and she moved quietly into the kitchen, intending to get him something to eat. He looked, she thought, even skinnier than usual, and she worried that without a regular companion, he wasn't bothering to eat or sleep properly (not that he ever slept a lot). She was determined that he'd eat a proper meal with her before he left - after all, she was his Doctor, so it was up to her to make sure he looked after himself if he wasn't going to find someone new to travel with.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts; she wished Donna was still around - the redhead knew exactly how to bully him into doing things, and Martha wasn't sure she did. Not that she wouldn't try.

* * * * * *

Martha, Jack, Sarah Jane and Donna, secrets (Post-S4, G)

They're all keeping secrets, the remaining, Earth-bound Children of Time. Not from each other - they've been through too much, and they're too closely bound together by their shared experiences. Rather, they're keeping secrets from the Doctor, secrets about the fourth Child of Time, the one who's forgotten him, and them, but whom they can neither forget nor ignore.

They decide, shortly after the Earth is brought back home, to work together to ensure that Donna doesn't waste her potential any longer on dull temping jobs in dull offices. Instead, with Wilf's help as co-conspirator, they insinuate themselves into the background of Donna's life to ensure that she finds out about job opportunities and courses of study. The four of them know that Donna is brilliant; they just want to ensure she realises it too.

A year after Donna woke up fully dressed from a nap she didn't remember taking and found a strange, skinny bloke talking to her mum and granddad, she comes top of her class on the MBA course that she decided to take; she's already running a small, but flourishing, temping agency of her own. Torchwood, via Jack, had provided the start up loan and paid her course fees, although Donna thought the money had come from a special grant for mature students that Wilf had found out about. Sarah Jane and Martha have kept close tabs on Donna with Wilf's assistance during the last year, and they're both at the graduation ceremony to watch their friend accept her scroll from the Principal. Wilf wants them to join him, Donna and Sylvia for dinner, but the two friends gently remind him that they cannot risk Donna seeing them in case she remembers them, and the meta-crisis is triggered again. He glumly accepts their reasoning, and they promise to take him out for a drink the following evening and then to join him in his star-gazing afterwards.

Martha and Sarah Jane are in the car park, chatting before they part company for the day when a familiar noise erupts a few feet away and the TARDIS materialises into existence. The pair exchange guilty looks before the door creaks open and the Time Lord staggers out, looking literally frazzled. Both women are relieved to realise that the Doctor hasn't found out about their secrets, and they run to help him. Life, it seems, is going on quite as normal.

character: wilfred mott, character: tenth doctor, character: martha jones, fic genre: pwp, character: donna, character: sarah jane smith, fic genre: ficlet, character pairing: martha/jack, character: captain jack harkness

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