Alternatives: New Beginnings (1/2)

Nov 09, 2008 11:37

Who_Daily Link: < a href="">Alternatives: New Beginnings (1/2) by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Human-Ten, Alt-Martha, Rose, Tyler family | Rating: PG-13 | Spoilers: Seasons 2 - 4 ( Read more... )

character: rose tyler, characters: tyler family, character: alt-martha, series: alternatives, character: human-doctor, fic: au

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henriette_r November 9 2008, 13:57:14 UTC
What a lovely narrative - can't wait for part two! Thank goodness it will be along so soon!

He had no idea what had possessed Jackie to start referring to both himself and the Doctor as 'plum', but it had stuck, and since it was obviously meant affectionately he didn't bother protesting after the first time.

Yay: I love that despite antipathy towards Rose you are nevertheless generous with your interpretation of the rest of the Tyler gang, especially Jackie. It demonstrates real class with your writing of characters.

As a human male he'd had to make a conscious effort to control his own urges, something he hadn't always succeeded in doing, although as the weeks since his arrival in this universe had passed, things had settled down sufficiently that he was no longer having to change his pyjamas and sheets twice a night.

Poor Handy; he's had to learn how to be handy! (sorry, that's a terrible 'joke' for something that written with such honesty and sensitivity... apologies)

his mouth suddenly dry and a herd of elephants dancing a rumba in his stomach. Please don't let me throw up now! he begged silently.

Awh, poor boy. Throwing up on someone really isn't a good start to a friendship!

I wouldn't forget seeing a good looking guy like you in here, especially with those green eyes." She smirked at him over the top of her glass when he flushed and looked away feeling flustered.

Oooh, sassy Martha! But I totally get how the eyes would get to her.

leaving John to unconsciously run his fingers over the spot on his face where she'd kissed him. Then he realised he was feeling uncomfortable and took himself off to the gents;

mind, at this rate the green eyes will go blind...

"You look bloody gorgeous when you smile. You should do it more often, it suits you better than your brooding look."

Oh YES. There is something delicious about the way that man can smile - whatever role he plays

he'd toyed with the idea of teaching...

That's funny, I had been thinking about what Handy would do if he wasn't Torchwood employed in Pete's World... He'd be a pretty odd teacher wouldn't he, even if he wasn't prone to rages.

"You know I'm surprised your dental practitioner hasn't warned you about not clenching your teeth like that...It will eventually have an impact on your ability to articulate clearly."

BWAH! Oh dear, I just spluttered in laughter at my poor computer screen. *snort* *snigger*

"Do you want tea or coffee?" she asked.
"Yes please."
She laughed. "Unless you want them both in the same mug, you'd better pick one," she told him.
He flushed, embarrassed by his apparent stupidity: sometimes his Donna side wanted coffee at the same time that his Doctor side wanted tea.

What a LOVELY detail of how the blending of Donna and the Doctor would affect Ten.

There were long bookshelves lining one of the walls, filled with books, CDs and DVDs, and he resisted the urge to go and look at Martha's collection.

I'm sorry, but the geek in me wants, no NEEDS to know what's on this Martha's shelves! (It's been often noted that even my dreams I look at and organise people's shelves of CDs, books, and DVDS... its the freaky librarian/organiser in me ...

He had thought what had happened to Adeola in his universe had been bad enough, but this seemed far more horrendous.

Poor Martha; poor Adeola.

Let's just say you and I have an acquaintance in common who made me privy to quite a lot of information about Ms Tyler.

OOOH!!! Who is it!? *jumps up and down in anticipation!!!*

He'd seen that look on his Martha's face - no, not his Martha, not even the Doctor's Martha - she would, he knew, have resented being considered anybody's.

She sure is her own woman.

Rose had tried to get him to abandon the blue suit, offering to buy him a new brown one instead, but he had refused, saying he preferred his blue suit.

See that just NAILS for me the whole Rose thing - indeed the whole suit issue generally in fandom. I lurve the brown suit, but its become something of a shorthand for the whole never-moving-on thing...


persiflage_1 November 9 2008, 14:06:43 UTC
What a lovely narrative - can't wait for part two! Thank goodness it will be along so soon!

Yeah - I do have to finish writing it first though...

Yay: I love that despite antipathy towards Rose you are nevertheless generous with your interpretation of the rest of the Tyler gang, especially Jackie. It demonstrates real class with your writing of characters.

I've grown to love Jackie. She is a classy lady underneath her bluster, and obviously very caring.

Poor Handy; he's had to learn how to be handy! (sorry, that's a terrible 'joke' for something that written with such honesty and sensitivity... apologies)

I'll let you off!

Awh, poor boy. Throwing up on someone really isn't a good start to a friendship!

No - it'd make him memorable - but not in a good way!

Oooh, sassy Martha! But I totally get how the eyes would get to her.

This one's very sassy!!

mind, at this rate the green eyes will go blind...


Oh YES. There is something delicious about the way that man can smile - whatever role he plays


That's funny, I had been thinking about what Handy would do if he wasn't Torchwood employed in Pete's World... He'd be a pretty odd teacher wouldn't he, even if he wasn't prone to rages.

He would - but I think he'd be effective because he'd passionate about his subject.

BWAH! Oh dear, I just spluttered in laughter at my poor computer screen. *snort* *snigger*

Hee! My beta had much the same sort of response! *snerk*

What a LOVELY detail of how the blending of Donna and the Doctor would affect Ten.


I'm sorry, but the geek in me wants, no NEEDS to know what's on this Martha's shelves! (It's been often noted that even my dreams I look at and organise people's shelves of CDs, books, and DVDS... its the freaky librarian/organiser in me ...

There's more on that in part 2, don't worry...

Poor Martha; poor Adeola.

I know... That's an important plot point though - not just a gratuitous killing-off-of-Adeola on my part.

OOOH!!! Who is it!? *jumps up and down in anticipation!!!*

Again, you'll have to wait for part 2!

She sure is her own woman.


See that just NAILS for me the whole Rose thing - indeed the whole suit issue generally in fandom. I lurve the brown suit, but its become something of a shorthand for the whole never-moving-on thing...

I've never been as fond of the brown suit as of the blue, I'm afraid.


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