Journey's End - Reaction Post

Jul 06, 2008 11:47

Who_Daily link: < a href="">Persiflage_1 asks: What the HELL was that? by < lj user=persiflage_1>

It's 5 hours since I finished watching 4.13 and I'm still trying to get my head around its mixture of squee and fail! OK, notes taken at 6 am as I watched and occasionally added to during the morning as more things occured to me...

- Donna asking Jack for a hug made me laugh the first time, but I was annoyed he didn't take her seriously given Jack flirts with everything that breathes and she'd already shown an interest in him, which is a wide-open invitation for Jack usually...

- Yay for the Time Lock program created by Tosh! OMG how much do I love that woman that she was saving Torchwood Three's lives even after she'd died?!

- The Daleks shouting in German was seriously freaky (probably their most freaky RTD!Who moment...)

- Yay for Mickey and Jackie turning up to save SJS - though I guessed that was coming 'cos I'd seen a clip on Blue Peter (when Freema was on) which showed Mickey and Jackie with SJS, so it was obvious they'd save her.

- Jack and Sarah Jane are totally a couple (and Jack and Mickey!)

- Zed Neutrino Energy - huh?

- Last Child of Gallifrey was the TARDIS, yes??

- Unexpected!Naked!Tennant! Okay, only his chest, BUT it's about time. We had Nine's bare chest 6 episodes into season 1, what took them so long to give us bare chested Ten, eh?!

- Ten mimicking Donna made me laugh.

- Martha's calmness when faced by the German woman pointing the gun at her - she's stared death in the face so many times that one puny human with a gun isn't going to faze her.

- The Veran Soothsayer gave Sarah Jane the other Deux ex machina of the week: that's the second time someone's given Sarah Jane an all-important object at a handy moment (see Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?)

- Davros' comment about the way the Doctor takes ordinary humans and turns them into weapons - ouch! Yet so true - and Ten didn't try to deny it (Martha was totally his secret weapon last year against the Master for a start).

- Davros is finally obviously bonkers.

- The Huamn Biological Metacrisis that created Ten from his hand - again huh?

- An explanation of Caan's Threefold Man reference in The Stolen Earth: TimeLord!Doctor, Human!Doctor and Doctor!Donna. Interesting - not where I thought RTD was going with that.

- Martha threatening to destroy the Earth to save it from the Daleks worried me - that's making her like the Doctor in the Time War, and that's not a good thing. Thank goodness she also did what the Doctor's been doing this year, and gave the Daleks a chance to back off.

- Thank goodness Martha and Rose got on.

- Everyone flying the TARDIS! Loved the fact we've finally got clear canon acknowledgement that the TARDIS is designed to be flown by more than one person and that's why the Doctor (or even the Doctor&Romana) isn't very good at doing it on his own. (I hear there's some behind the scenes coverage of this in the Confidential, so I'll grab that via iPlayer later to watch).

- I give Human!Ten/Rose three months tops, before he starts running away (she'd better chip him when she gets him back to Alt!Torchwood!) and I bet he starts trying to build a TARDIS of his own.

I hated the Rose storyline with a fiery passion. RTD creates a character and then doesn't allow her to mature - Mickey got better character development than his Mary Sue did!! I know I'm probably going to upset some people by saying this, but I see TimeLord!Ten giving Rose the Human!Ten to look after as a punishment for the fact she damn near destroyed the Universe trying to get back to the Doctor. And don't try arguing that she didn't, because she clearly says that they were developing that Dimension jumping canon thing and it wasn't working, and then it started working and the stars were going out. Stupid, stupid RTD!

I'm sure she knew (on some level) that she was being punished and that's why she was bitching over having to stay in Pete's World and look after him. I bet she ends up resenting Human!Ten and he ends up hating her because he's got a Time Lord brain, Time Lord memories, but he's trapped in a frail human body and he can't travel, can't run away any more. If he doesn't commit suicide, I'd be surprised.

- Loved Martha holding hands with Jack as they walk away (further proof that Mr Invisible Fiance of Invisibleness is just a smokescreen, I say! [\tongue in cheek])

- And then Mickey chasing after them. And in a recent interview, Freema half-hinted she'd be joining Torchwood next season as she mentioned both Survivors and Little Dorrit finish filming in August and the interviewer then mentioned TW doesn't start filming until September and she said she had a project she hadn't yet signed on the dotted line for. This makes me think the forthcoming Torchwood Radio Play for BBC Radio 4 is set after TW 2.13 but before DW 4.12/4.13 because she's definitely still working for UNIT at that point.

- And then, OMG, then, we get Donna's Retcon of FAIL!!! GRR ARGH!! I loved her talking about Feldspoon (sp?) and the mountains that sway in the breeze. But then Ten mind-wiped her! NOES!! DOES NOT WANT!!!! (Although I did like Ten giving Sylvia what for AND Wilf promising to look out for the Doctor every night for Donna's sake...)

I've convinced myself that Dr Martha Jones, patient, ever-persistent, Dr Martha Jones with her l33t medical skillz will figure out a way to recover Donna's memory (because Ten'll have to warn Martha about what he's done to Donna, 'cos I know Martha and Donna are friends after 4.06 - 4.08's events). And I figure Jack'll support Martha in trying to find a way to recover Donna's memories without her "burning" up...

(I've seen people commenting that Human!Ten will also suffer the same fate, but I don't see why - he has got a Time Lord brain in his human body. Donna's mostly human with a dash of Time Lord/Doctor... So he should be okay...)

It pisses me off no end that RTD has created virtually the most perfect human companion for the Doctor: one who loves him unconditionally but doesn't fancy him, one who's prepared to kick his arse when he needs it, but also to hug him when he needs it (eg in Midnight) - ie. everything Martha should have been and could have been without that bloody stupid crush anvil - and then HE WIPES HER MIND and puts her back to being the dumb woman of the start of The Runaway Bride! WHY??? WHY???? I'd far rather he'd killed Donna than done that to her!

RTD you are SO made of fail!

Anyway, this ep hasn't Russelled my AU post-S4 fic I'm working on (well researching), so that's a huge relief. And I'm going to write some Donna/Jack at some stage (and possibly some Jack/Sarah Jane too), with Jack being a bit submissive - I think he'd enjoy being bossed around by either Donna or Sarah Jane.

doctor who, episode: journey's end, reaction post, squee, rant, dw: season 4

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