Seven Things About Me

Sep 05, 2007 06:14

I got tagged by parrotfish to share seven things about me. Here are the Rules

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.


1 - I'm an Army Brat as Americans would say. My Dad was in the British Army until I was 7, so I spent the first six and a bit years of my life travelling hither and yon with him, my Mum and my younger sister. Including a stint in Hong Kong (I don't remember it - we went when I was 9 months old and came back when I was 2.5) and also Northern Ireland at the height of the Troubles.

2 - I'm far older than I look as my Mum's side of the family has incredibly good genes in this respect. I'm 40 next year, but regularly get mistaken for a 20-something.

3 - I've got two degrees - one in Computing and one in English/History.

4 - Before David Tennant and "Doctor Who" stole my brain, my heart, my soul and my life, I used to write serious scholarly articles about fantasy fiction and children's literature. (These days I write non-stop fic - guess which gets me the most readers?)

5 - I read very fast. If I'm not interrupted, I can read 100 pages of fiction in an hour.

6 - I've read The Lord of the Rings nearly 30 times in 23 years, and I once read it three times in the same year as I was writing several articles on Tolkien and TLotR that year.

7 - When I was 14 I vowed never to get married and no one has persuaded me to change my mind. But if David Tennant proposed, I'd seriously consider it... (OK, I lie! I'd say "yes" like a shot!)

Being both lazy and rebellious (did I mention I'm a non-conformist?), I'm not going to tag anyone - but if anyone wants to play, feel free...

me: 7 things about me, meme

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