Application: Queen of Hearts

Apr 10, 2011 17:45

Player Information
Name: Enzel
Personal Journal: stormfallen
Contact Info: AIM: Terra in Pyjamas
Other Characters: mnementomori

Character Information
Name: Claire Bennett
Source Canon: Tales of Rebirth (after the defeat of Geyorkias, when she switches bodies with Agarte.)
Age: 17
Role In Canon: Main character's girlfriend love interest sister childhood friend plot device to get Veigue off his ass and do things.
History: Wiki

(some of this is taken from my Mao app. Proof the journal belongs to me here.)

Claire was born and raised in the village of Sulz, in the far northern reaches of the kingdom of Callegea. The land is inhabited by two races: Huma (humans) and Gajuma (a people with animal-like features.) For a long time they lived together in peace. When Claire was young, her parents took in a boy named Veigue, who had lost his family. She became very close with him, though his quiet, awkward nature was the opposite of her friendly and outgoing one. They grew up together, never quite wondering or worrying about the outside world, until one fateful day.

King Ladras, the Gajuma ruler of the nation, had fallen ill. On the day known as the Setting Sun of Ladras, he passed away, and his innate power known as Force went berserk. Only Gajuma were born with the ability, but on that day, reports all over the countryside sprang up of Huma uncovering their ability to use Force. Many of them went insane, causing a large outbreak of death and chaos across the kingdom.

Veigue was one of them. Unable to control his new power, he lashed out and accidentally froze Claire in a pillar of ice. Every day after that he would visit her, trying in vain to find a way to free her. One year later, as he keeps his vigil by her, two mysterious figures arrive. A Gajuma and a young Huma boy, they introduce themselves as Eugene Gallardo and Mao, and ask for Veigue's help. He refuses, and gets into a fight with the boy, but loses. The pair then tell him they have a way to free Claire, and Mao uses his fire Force to melt the unnatural ice while Veigue breaks her out.

It seems like all is well again, until a group of soldiers arrive at the village, demanding that they bring out their "most beautiful Huma girl." Met with resistance, they begin threatening the villagers, and Claire steps forward. She promises to go with them peacefully as long as they don't harm anyone. Veigue, enraged, attacks their leader and is soundly defeated.

During the long journey to the capital, Claire does her best to comfort the other kidnapped girls, saying her friend will surely rescue them. However, Veigue and his new companions are always one step behind them. Claire manages to leave messages for them with the people she meets along the way--a doctor who treated an injury she'd gotten, several girls that managed to escape in various ways. Still, she arrives at the capital without even catching a glimpse of her childhood friend.

In the castle, the girls are taken to various rooms and left there until the queen calls for them. When Claire's turn arrives, she doesn't know what to expect, but follows the soldiers quietly. Face to face with the nation's ruler, Claire seems to realize that this young Gajuma woman is not much older than herself, with the responsibilities of her late father thrust upon her. Queen Agarte praises her beauty and physical appearance, which confuses her. She speaks up, saying that she doesn't believe appearance is more important than other things. She tells the story of how her parents met--lost together in a dark cave. Unable to see each other, they fell in love nonetheless, and even though what they saw when they escaped was not what they had imagined, they stayed together.

Agarte then asks her if her story would be the same if the two were a Huma and a Gajuma, instead of two Huma, and Claire replies without hesitating that it would be. This answer seems to upset the queen, and she accuses the girl of lying, saying that all Huma must think Gajuma are ugly. For some unknown reason, perhaps the queen's Force acting up, Agarte's tirade makes Claire pass out suddenly, just as Veigue and the others run in to her rescue. They are defeated and thrown into prison, but manage to escape and make their way back to the castle.

They arrive just as a strange ceremony begins, and Queen Agarte uses her Force to summon a massive dragon, the Sacred Beast King Geyorkias. It claims to have come to bring peace to the world--at the price of destroying every Huma. The queen and Claire are merged with the creature, and Veigue and the others fight it in order to free her, finally defeating it after a grueling battle. Claire is unconscious, the Queen nowhere to be found. Veigue takes his childhood friend back to Sulz, but little does he know...

The girl he carries home with him is actually Agarte, possessing Claire's body. Claire herself, in the guise of the queen, ends up on a far shoreline near the village of Razilda, and is picked up by a kind man named Igol. Thus begins her journey to reunite with Veigue, and tell him the truth.

Personality: Claire is a kind, hardworking girl, and though she's a bit sheltered from growing up in a remote village, her relentless belief in the people she cares for doesn't make her weak in the least. She's honest and straightforward, and won't hesitate to comfort anyone in need. She keeps up with taciturn or moody, difficult people like Veigue with gentle patience. Though she doesn't have the physical prowess of her childhood friend, she'll do anything to protect people, just as when she puts her own safety on the line to stop the Queen's soldiers from harassing the villagers. This isn't just because of her strong sense of right and wrong, but also her belief that Veigue will set things right and rescue her in the end.

That said, it does make her seem a bit dependent on him, and for a while it's probably true. However, taking her situation into account--surrounded by hostile soldiers and with a bunch of terrified girls to calm and look after--it's not surprising why she wouldn't try to fight back with force. She considers other people's needs above her own. Once on her own in Agarte's body, she sets out fearlessly across unknown terrain to reunite with Veigue. This determination is a bit foolish, considering that she doesn't seem to think such things through, but it is an integral part of what makes up the girl named "Claire".

A large theme of the story of Rebirth is the differences between people--inside and outside. Claire is not exempt from the soul-searching each main party member must do eventually--quite the opposite, in fact. Losing her own body and gaining a Gajuma's, she says once that the experience made her see herself more clearly. She knows who she is on the inside, even if her appearance changes. However, Veigue struggles with the idea, repeatedly swearing to her that he'll get her original body back. She appreciates his devotion, but it clearly makes her a little uncomfortable, and she begins to wonder if it means that he can't accept her for who she is. She eventually comes to the conclusion that her presence troubles him, and leaves.

This brings things full-circle: sometimes extreme selflessness can be a flaw. After Veigue loses control of his Force thanks to his conflicting emotions, Claire decides to leave because she thinks her presence is causing him pain. Claire is far from perfect--she can be too idealistic at times. Though she's being taken from a point where she won't have adjusted to her new body yet, the development will most likely be the same. It doesn't affect her so much as she's hyper-aware of the effect on others. Her world is full of racism and clashes between factions, and while she believes wholeheartedly that everyone is equal, she's aware that there are plenty of people that don't see it that way.

When she speaks, she speaks from the heart. She usually isn't afraid to let people know her true feelings, and will stand up for anyone being bullied if she can. She knows how to appeal to people with simple things, as she does in her pre-execution speech, making a statement that's impossible to ignore: everyone, no matter what they look like, enjoys eating together with the people they love. What then makes people different?

Abilities: None, really--Force is a power tied to the mind and not the body, so she can't use Agarte's Moon Force. Other than that, though, in a Gajuma body she is stronger and has more stamina than she had as a Huma, as well as having better senses of hearing and smell. (and presumably nightvision.)


[The mirror shows what should be a familiar sight by now--a young woman in a white arrival's dress. Except...this one has the wide slit-pupiled eyes and animate ears of...a cat. The gaze she examines the mirror with is intelligent and curious, and she sits back after a moment. Her face sets with determination, the voice issuing from her clear and firm.]

Your Majesty. I'm not sure I understand what's going on, but...if I am the one you truly need, please let these other girls go. They've done you no harm, and their families miss them dearly.

And as far as I understand-- [she looks down for a moment, showing the briefest sign of hesitation.] You've...obtained what you wanted, right? There's no need to continue this any further. And my friends...Veigue...I don't want anyone to come to any more harm.

If you can hear me, please stop this. You're the one with the power to do so.

[her expression isn't pleading; it's almost sad. The mirror seems to take this as a cue to go dark.]

Dear Mun post
thread 2

ooc, queen of hearts

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