OH NO! Yessi is DRUNK!

Mar 19, 2004 03:55

Mew Isaki [2:04 AM]: Kat
Hotpinkshrink [2:04 AM]: http://www.petfinder.org/fotos/FL43/FL43.2675371-1-x.jpg
Hotpinkshrink [2:04 AM]: I'm looking for a pet
Hotpinkshrink [2:04 AM]: hi
Mew Isaki [2:04 AM]: there are multiple men here that think youare plentyfuckinghot
Hotpinkshrink [2:05 AM]: yeah sure
Mew Isaki [2:05 AM]: yeah for real
Mew Isaki [2:05 AM]: Andrew says youare hot
Mew Isaki [2:05 AM]: Chris says youare hot
Hotpinkshrink [2:05 AM]: doesn't count unless they are single
Mew Isaki [2:05 AM]: Kris says you are hot
Hotpinkshrink [2:06 AM]: who?
Mew Isaki [2:06 AM]: another friend
Hotpinkshrink [2:06 AM]: oh
Mew Isaki [2:06 AM]: I'm tipsy
Mew Isaki [2:06 AM]: by theway

Hotpinkshrink [2:06 AM]: what's new?
Mew Isaki [2:06 AM]: just a warniong
Hotpinkshrink [2:06 AM]: lol
Hotpinkshrink [2:06 AM]: come pick me up
Mew Isaki [2:06 AM]: hehe
Hotpinkshrink [2:06 AM]: spring break sux
Mew Isaki [2:06 AM]: I love you
Mew Isaki [2:07 AM]: do you know that?
Hotpinkshrink [2:07 AM]: yes yes
Mew Isaki [2:07 AM]: no noI mean for real
Hotpinkshrink [2:07 AM]: yes I love you too loser
Mew Isaki [2:07 AM]: notjust drunkwn
Hotpinkshrink [2:07 AM]: yeah I know
Mew Isaki [2:08 AM]: and I tooo find you incredibly hot
Hotpinkshrink [2:08 AM]: ha
Mew Isaki [2:09 AM]: you are one sexy hot babe
Mew Isaki [2:09 AM]: yup
Hotpinkshrink [2:09 AM]: yup
Mew Isaki [2:12 AM]: yupso the men here think youare hot
Mew Isaki [2:12 AM]: and theyare white boys
Mew Isaki [2:12 AM]: and youwould loveit
Mew Isaki [2:12 AM]: Iwould do you too
Mew Isaki [2:14 AM]: Kris says "whats up?

Hotpinkshrink [2:14 AM]: lol
Mew Isaki [2:15 AM]: I would show you Kris but Chirs' camera is in Gainsville
Mew Isaki [2:15 AM]: withNadia
Hotpinkshrink [2:15 AM]: ohh
Mew Isaki [2:15 AM]: hes cute
Hotpinkshrink [2:15 AM]: cool
Hotpinkshrink [2:15 AM]: ship him over here then
Mew Isaki [2:16 AM]: you have to come up
Mew Isaki [2:16 AM]: come on
Mew Isaki [2:16 AM]: it'll be fun
Hotpinkshrink [2:16 AM]: I can't till after my last final on the 22 of April
Mew Isaki [2:16 AM]: aw man
Hotpinkshrink [2:16 AM]: yeah
Mew Isaki [2:16 AM]: hiwabout thatguy
Mew Isaki [2:16 AM]: with the hookup?
Hotpinkshrink [2:16 AM]: huh?
Mew Isaki [2:19 AM]: for the airplane tickets
Mew Isaki [2:19 AM]: myfriend shawnsays hecanget some for 20 bucks
Hotpinkshrink [2:19 AM]: really?
Hotpinkshrink [2:24 AM]: were are these tickets?
Hotpinkshrink [2:26 AM]: did you pass out?
Mew Isaki [2:26 AM]: no
Mew Isaki [2:26 AM]: hehe
Mew Isaki [2:26 AM]: I'mback
Mew Isaki [2:27 AM]: hecant find out about themtillfirst weekend of May
Mew Isaki [2:27 AM]: soIguessits perfectwith the 22nd of april thing
Mew Isaki [2:28 AM]: maybe youcan get herereally cheap
Mew Isaki [2:28 AM]: and then we'll drive youdown
Mew Isaki [2:28 AM]: as usualinthesummer
Mew Isaki [2:28 AM]: hopefully these cuties willstillbe here
Mew Isaki [2:29 AM]: waitt a minute
Mew Isaki [2:29 AM]: there are pictures pf Kris onthe computer
Hotpinkshrink [2:29 AM]: k
ATTENTION [2:29 AM]: Instant Images session started.
Hotpinkshrink [2:32 AM]: Instant Images
Mew Isaki [2:33 AM]: Instant Images
Mew Isaki [2:34 AM]: Instant Images
Mew Isaki [2:35 AM]: so yeah
Mew Isaki [2:35 AM]: that him
Mew Isaki [2:35 AM]: s
Hotpinkshrink [2:35 AM]: k
Mew Isaki [2:36 AM]: hes pretty cute
Mew Isaki [2:36 AM]: greek
Mew Isaki [2:37 AM]: man's ,am
Mew Isaki [2:37 AM]: I mean man's man
Hotpinkshrink [2:37 AM]: oh
Hotpinkshrink [2:38 AM]: kitty boy is sicky
Hotpinkshrink [2:38 AM]: I think its hair balls
Mew Isaki [2:41 AM]: eew
Hotpinkshrink [2:41 AM]: yup
Hotpinkshrink [2:44 AM]: who is at your place now?
Hotpinkshrink [2:49 AM]: Instant Images
Mew Isaki [2:52 AM]: just shawn
Mew Isaki [2:53 AM]: Chris and Andrew went looking forkris
Hotpinkshrink [2:53 AM]: ohh
Mew Isaki [2:53 AM]: bythe way
Mew Isaki [2:53 AM]: thatss hot
Mew Isaki [2:53 AM]: he went out for a walk drunk
Mew Isaki [2:53 AM]: not agood idea
Mew Isaki [2:53 AM]: when theres a blockade
Hotpinkshrink [2:54 AM]: what are you talking about??
Hotpinkshrink [2:54 AM]: who is hot?
Hotpinkshrink [2:54 AM]: who is drunk walking?
Hotpinkshrink [2:54 AM]: what blockade?
Mew Isaki [2:54 AM]: okhere goes
Mew Isaki [2:55 AM]: Kris is prettyrunk
Mew Isaki [2:55 AM]: I,eam drunk
Hotpinkshrink [2:55 AM]: k
Mew Isaki [2:55 AM]: and Chris and Andrew for him
Mew Isaki [2:55 AM]: because thereis a blockade
Mew Isaki [2:56 AM]: for drunk drivers
Hotpinkshrink [2:56 AM]: ohh
Mew Isaki [2:56 AM]: but kris is
Mew Isaki [2:56 AM]: heis walking
Mew Isaki [2:56 AM]: butheis still drunk
Hotpinkshrink [2:56 AM]: why did you guys let him walk around drunk?

Mew Isaki [2:56 AM]: we didn't
Mew Isaki [2:57 AM]: hes stubborm
Mew Isaki [2:57 AM]: stubburn*
Mew Isaki [2:57 AM]: fuck
Hotpinkshrink [2:57 AM]: I don't like drunks
Mew Isaki [2:57 AM]: you
Mew Isaki [2:57 AM]: you know what I mean
Hotpinkshrink [2:57 AM]: yeah and I don't like it
Mew Isaki [3:01 AM]: yeah well we have all re
Hotpinkshrink [3:01 AM]: re?
Mew Isaki [3:01 AM]: ARE
Mew Isaki [3:01 AM]: i MEAN
Mew Isaki [3:01 AM]: weaLL ARE FUCKED UP
Mew Isaki [3:02 AM]: AND YOU WOULD BE TOO
Mew Isaki [3:02 AM]: andyou would have a lovely nasty time
Hotpinkshrink [3:02 AM]: umm
Mew Isaki [3:05 AM]: I love you
Hotpinkshrink [3:05 AM]: yes you told me
Mew Isaki [3:08 AM]: no I really really love you
Mew Isaki [3:08 AM]: you are one hot sexy bitch
Mew Isaki [3:08 AM]: youtell it like it is
Mew Isaki [3:09 AM]: sure youare obseesed with your ex
Mew Isaki [3:09 AM]: but whocates
Mew Isaki [3:09 AM]: you'llget over it
Hotpinkshrink [3:09 AM]: I hope so
Hotpinkshrink [3:09 AM]: not so much obsessed as traumatized
Hotpinkshrink [3:09 AM]: ;-)
Mew Isaki [3:10 AM]: yeah O know
Mew Isaki [3:10 AM]: Iwould be too
Mew Isaki [3:10 AM]: < not judging
Hotpinkshrink [3:10 AM]: k
Mew Isaki [3:10 AM]: just trying to prompt into notcaring
Mew Isaki [3:11 AM]: I really mean it
Hotpinkshrink [3:11 AM]: huh
Mew Isaki [3:11 AM]: I want you to be here
Hotpinkshrink [3:13 AM]: yeah but I need money and a way up there
Mew Isaki [3:15 AM]: that makes me sad
Hotpinkshrink [3:16 AM]: Bunny Direct!'s Journal
Hotpinkshrink [3:16 AM]: look at that!!!!!!!!!
Hotpinkshrink [3:16 AM]: I want another bun bun
Mew Isaki [3:16 AM]: ok
Mew Isaki [3:20 AM]: what is that
Mew Isaki [3:20 AM]: ?
Mew Isaki [3:20 AM]: Iclicked onit and now I am confused
Hotpinkshrink [3:21 AM]: bunny pix
Mew Isaki [3:21 AM]: ohyeah
Mew Isaki [3:21 AM]: and theybit myshit
Mew Isaki [3:21 AM]: I'mfluter by
Mew Isaki [3:22 AM]: and they are shuterby
Hotpinkshrink [3:23 AM]: Instant Images
Mew Isaki [3:24 AM]: is that recent
Mew Isaki [3:25 AM]: can I kiss you?
Mew Isaki [3:25 AM]: will you let me
Hotpinkshrink [3:26 AM]: that is my room now
Hotpinkshrink [3:26 AM]: see plenty of room for a cage and pet now
Mew Isaki [3:27 AM]: youare evading my question
Hotpinkshrink [3:28 AM]: what
Mew Isaki [3:28 AM]: will you let me kiss you?
Mew Isaki [3:30 AM]: Iguess not
Hotpinkshrink [3:30 AM]: who is this?
Mew Isaki [3:31 AM]: oh well ...sorry for the uncofortabk'le question
Mew Isaki [3:31 AM]: itsme
Mew Isaki [3:31 AM]: >>>
Mew Isaki [3:31 AM]: <<<<
Mew Isaki [3:31 AM]: Yessi
Mew Isaki [3:32 AM]: unconfined Yessi
Hotpinkshrink [3:33 AM]: Instant Images
Mew Isaki [3:33 AM]: no one knows my livejournal but me
Mew Isaki [3:33 AM]: whats that?
Mew Isaki [3:34 AM]: I .mean no one knows mypassword
Hotpinkshrink [3:34 AM]: what are you talking about?
Mew Isaki [3:37 AM]: go look at my journal
Mew Isaki [3:37 AM]: no body knows my password but me
Mew Isaki [3:38 AM]: so nobody but me can write that
Mew Isaki [3:38 AM]: thats what I'm trying toprove
Hotpinkshrink [3:38 AM]: ohhh I got it
Mew Isaki [3:39 AM]: rahdah
Mew Isaki [3:39 AM]: I mean
Mew Isaki [3:39 AM]: tah dah
Hotpinkshrink [3:40 AM]: ok I think I'm going with a gerbal
Hotpinkshrink [3:40 AM]: gerbil
Mew Isaki [3:42 AM]: no no
Mew Isaki [3:42 AM]: cameloen
Hotpinkshrink [3:44 AM]: tried it
Hotpinkshrink [3:44 AM]: too expensive
Mew Isaki [3:44 AM]: get a cameleon
Hotpinkshrink [3:44 AM]: and they kinda scare me
Hotpinkshrink [3:44 AM]: I couldn't touch it
Hotpinkshrink [3:44 AM]: they just look cool
Mew Isaki [3:44 AM]: nah
Mew Isaki [3:45 AM]: they are cute
Hotpinkshrink [3:46 AM]: not for me
Mew Isaki [3:46 AM]: kat
Mew Isaki [3:47 AM]: you would get some from us
Mew Isaki [3:47 AM]: you would get some from others
Mew Isaki [3:47 AM]: youwillget some perios
Mew Isaki [3:47 AM]: d
Mew Isaki [3:47 AM]: get youhot ass over here
Mew Isaki [3:47 AM]: r
Hotpinkshrink [3:48 AM]: umm
Mew Isaki [3:50 AM]: what?
Mew Isaki [3:50 AM]: ummhwat?
Hotpinkshrink [3:51 AM]: I donno
Mew Isaki [3:55 AM]: you wont let me kiss you?
Hotpinkshrink [3:56 AM]: no
Mew Isaki [3:56 AM]: :-(
Hotpinkshrink [3:56 AM]: I'm not an object you know
Mew Isaki [3:56 AM]: Iknow
Mew Isaki [3:56 AM]: thats why I'masking permission
Hotpinkshrink [3:57 AM]: lol
Hotpinkshrink [3:57 AM]: find me a hot guy and I'll think about it
Mew Isaki [3:57 AM]: I would love to kiss you
Mew Isaki [3:57 AM]: soI'm asking permission
Hotpinkshrink [3:57 AM]: oh my
Mew Isaki [3:57 AM]: and I'll find
Mew Isaki [3:58 AM]: a hotguys for you
Hotpinkshrink [3:58 AM]: yup
Hotpinkshrink [3:59 AM]: don't base what you think my taste is on fatass please
Hotpinkshrink [3:59 AM]: I like thin or normal, but not skinny or chubby boys
Mew Isaki [3:59 AM]: Kris does not look like fat ass
Mew Isaki [4:00 AM]: but we cant find him
Hotpinkshrink [4:00 AM]: oh
Hotpinkshrink [4:00 AM]: well not a lost drunk either
Hotpinkshrink [4:00 AM]: come on
Mew Isaki [4:00 AM]: lol
Mew Isaki [4:00 AM]: I'm a lost f\drunk
Mew Isaki [4:01 AM]: right now anyways
Hotpinkshrink [4:01 AM]: well at least you're not lose on society
Mew Isaki [4:01 AM]: youcant judge ona night's day
Hotpinkshrink [4:01 AM]: umm
Mew Isaki [4:01 AM]: kay
Mew Isaki [4:01 AM]: Kat!
Hotpinkshrink [4:01 AM]: yes
Mew Isaki [4:01 AM]: DOOO Me
Hotpinkshrink [4:02 AM]: I don't have a penis
Mew Isaki [4:02 AM]: I have the equipment
Hotpinkshrink [4:02 AM]: who is this?
Mew Isaki [4:03 AM]: istme
Mew Isaki [4:03 AM]: damn itKat
Mew Isaki [4:03 AM]: do Ihave to write another entry
Hotpinkshrink [4:03 AM]: ohh
Mew Isaki [4:03 AM]: I'll
Mew Isaki [4:03 AM]: caLL YOUIF YOUWANT
Hotpinkshrink [4:03 AM]: haha no its fine
Mew Isaki [4:05 AM]: well then
Mew Isaki [4:05 AM]: I'lljust have to kiss you
Hotpinkshrink [4:05 AM]: what
Mew Isaki [4:05 AM]: next timeIsee you
Mew Isaki [4:07 AM]: what do youmean what
Hotpinkshrink [4:07 AM]: I donno
Mew Isaki [4:10 AM]: Instant Images
Hotpinkshrink [4:10 AM]: ohh
Mew Isaki [4:13 AM]: ooh?
Hotpinkshrink [4:13 AM]: time for bed nite nite
Mew Isaki [4:13 AM]: alright I guesss
Mew Isaki [4:13 AM]: G'nite
Mew Isaki [4:13 AM]: sleep well
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