(no subject)

Jul 17, 2005 21:21

Tagged by adsk
list 5ive reasons why you are a dork. and make them good reasons. justify them. explain them. be loud and proud about how big of a dork you are! then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.

Only five? I can go on and on. I'm a dork because:

1- I can't go to bed without taking a shower. That's the rule, no matter how tired I'm, I should do this. If I absolutely can't take a shower then I wouldn't sleep in my bed. I sleep on a couch or on ground!

2- I don't remember my work phone number, I always have to look up my card. When I applied for this job, I thought I would change it soon so there would be no use to remember the phone number. It's going to be three years that I work there!

3- I've to lay on my stomach in order to go to sleep.

4- My best and dearest friend, the thing I spend time the most with is computer.

5- I can't go to bed early. My best hours are late at night. Every morning I swear I go to bed earlier that night but I forget to do so every night.

6- I've never drunk. I've been afraid of getting drunk.

7- I don't have five friends to tag this on them. lol
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