Aug 15, 2009 16:42
Success; a night without a haunting dream for the first time in... Well, I lost count, but hells yeah! Good sleep is always win. We shall soon see how long it takes for the tides to turn, though. (And they will turn.)
I’m hoping that in a month or so our money woes will be at ease for a little while, supposing that Jeremy’s FASFA goes through all properly and whatnot. Fingers crossed, baby. However I’m still not entirely sure how I’ll afford the bills this month. I do love how epically fail I am with this at the moment. I think we’ll manage, though. I just can’t use my Canadian credit card to try and pay things off again after this, is all-Cause I won’t have any money in the bank back up at home to pay off my card anymore and I refuse to ask my mom for even more help than I already have been given. I don’t want to keep bugging her and dad; also I’m still horridly embarrassed about having to get Uncle Alec’s help to begin with. …He called me a couple of days ago. Fuck that was embarrassing. I didn’t even really know what the fuck to say to him. I just thanked him and ended up hanging up after a moment of talking about some issues that happened a couple weeks past.
Speaking of issues; wtf bathroom sink. Jeremy just literally plunged the sink’s drain and pulled out some weird fungus thing-it kind of looked like a mushroom stem of some sort, it was purple/brown. Well, that’s just a bit fucking eerie. ._.
And when it comes to my credit card, now that I think about it, mom is going to end up paying on it anyway but I already knew that much since she was the one who brought it up herself. I just haven’t gotten around to going to the WalMart optical place; and I really need to. I can’t drive at all right now because everything is a blur on the roads so it’s really not freaking safe to, which blows monkey tits because I really like to drive my car. ;_;
I’ll just have to try and remember to get my ass in gear and do that; but it’s going to have to wait until next month or so since I already need to use that card for more bills. Which is another reason to call home and thus let mom know I need her to take money from my account and put it on the damn card. Blaaahhh. :|
money woes,
what the fuckery!,
why do you suck so much body?,
why am i so very blind?,
to sleep perchance to dream