∮ this is a subject line. ...srsly. it is. promise. :B

Oct 25, 2008 02:50

Because Aaron is a bastard whom I love ♥

• reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons
• make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose
• other people can then comment to you and make their own posts
• this will create a never ending cycle of icon glee

This one I think is cute just because they're pulling off this random handshake out of no where. Teammates for the win, am I right? All in all, I have a thing for Balthier x Fran, they are my number one pairing for FFXII. Of course, I initially saved the icon because of the lol-factor.

I really have no reason for having this icon apart from how incredibly cute it is. Really. That's about it. It's almost diabetes inducing, for real. :x

I.. I don't know. Consider this the Atheist in me laughing her ass off? :x

Oh God the lack of Anita icons. Krissy heard me complaining about having a lack of Anita icons when I was playing her and she let me know that she had at least one of them on her livejournal account, so with her blessing I took it (and the person to credit it with). Once I dropped Anita, and even before then, I think -- I put the icon on my LJ because it's really pretty. It shows her elegance. And that's something about Anita that I really liked.

SOMEONE sent me the icon. (COUGHAARONCOUGH) It was put to use on Crowley's account at insanejournal because he lacked new, hip and cool icons, woo! But also mostly because I asked Aaron to be on the lookout for some Crowley icons if he came across them. ...Anyway. It's a pretty simple icon in the fact that it's really kind of "plain" (and I use the term loosely because it is a beautiful icon) but at the same there's beauty in the peace he's in, yknow? Besides, he looks incredible in the icon and it's just plain adorable. ♥

The keywords basically come from the Simpsons episode of Radioactive Man's movie when they're in the Power Plant and the nuclear waste is burning his eyes since "the goggles, they do nothing!" But all-in-all Zack is wearing that mask when he's in the virtual world for his training. I just think the icon is cute as hell because of the fact that it reminds me of that episode. Of course, there's the fact that I RP Zack as well, but it's mostly because of the episode -- and that the man is cute as hell.


This was a Charity Special for Dr Who. They got the man who played the fifth Doctor (Peter Davidson) and the current one (Tennat, of course) to have themselves collide resulting in them both working about with the controls on the TARDIS when they bump into each other and go into "wtf" mode at seeing younger version (Davidson) and older version (Tennant) of each other. Now, the quotes in the icon are from homestarrunner.com as per Strong Bad's mini-series called the "Teen Girl Squad" and they fit pretty well since the two Doctors are pretty much looking at each other like they're both insane, hahaha. It's a good little special. :3

Bahahaaaa. Anyone who has seen FMA knows what this icon is from. A puppy is found and needs a home. While they're discussing who might take him, the puppy decides to go pee on the floor. Riza then pulls out her gun firing rounds at the pup who pins himself against the wall in terror and raises his paws like he's surrendering so his outline is made in bullets. Pleased that he still didn't wet himself, Riza says she'll take the dog and names him Black Hayate. X3

Who the hell would not want a Dalek as their patronus? It would seriously be the most powerfulish patronus God damned ever. Who the fuck would mess with a Dalek? Even in patronus form? All the Dementors would fucking flee.

This is Tom Baker's version of the Doctor's (the third one) catch phrase. Seriously. Even when he's in trouble he tends to offer his assailants Jelly Babies. The man really likes his Jelly bits. Even Tennant says it once, I believe. I might be remembering that wrong, though :x

Oh God, Shampoo is painfully cute from Ranma½, and shockingly the easiest character to locate icons for from the series, really. I would love to have a bunch more of Ryoga, but alas, I cannot find them and I'm unwilling to make them. ANYWAY. Shampoo is a pretty insane Chinese girl from the Amazon Woman's tribe who is determined to have Ranma marry her since he beat her in a fight. (As per her Amazon rules, any man who beats her in a fight is the man she is to wed.) This is just one of her many moments where she's painfully cute. Despite being insane, she is a pretty cute girl. Though admittedly, I am a Ranma x Akane fangirl. :x

Ah, God. Aren't you all just dying from the cute? I mean, seriously? Pearl is probably one of the cutest characters from a video game that I've played in recent years, she just effing kills me every time. It's probably why I love to RP as her. But anyway, yes. This is just a cute icon of her when she's probably teasing the shit out of Phoenix about "loving" Mystic Maya and whatnot. XD I just thought it was pretty adorable.


Bahaha. This is before the Dalek in the new series could ELE-VATE. They could not climb stairs, and thus if they were chasing someone and they went up stairs they were screeeeeewed. Thus the Dalek saying "Fuck." Doesn't work so much anymore because they can levitate to follow now, but back then it did. Either way, the icon is still pretty hilarious.

... There's really no words for that icon. Seriously. It's just one I like to use on idiots, for srs. And it's likely Shampoo talking to either Mousse or Akane. :x

I... I don't know. I just thought it was pretty hilarious and very unDalek-like to want to domesticate. It's a pretty silly icon, I should use it more. B|

This is an adipose. Adipose are pretty God damed cute. They're also from Doctor Who. The "Puchuu" bit is from Excel Saga and Jeremy had the brilliant idea of an adipose crying out Puchuu! - thus the icon was born. :3

This one just speaks for itself. I like mudkips. You like mudkips. Mudkips like you too. They really like you. ;D

This is due to my SEVERE lack in Gumshoe icons. This one and the other I have on my LJ account are the only two of them I have. And it's not because they're aren't any out there, it's just because I kind of fail at looking for them lately and I have no interest in scanning LJ communities for anyone lately. But yes, saved this one because oh Lord is he ever adorable in this icon :3!

So fucking tired.

I really need some pain relievers soon. I don't want to risk sounding like a drug addict, but I haven't had any in like. A month or so? Maybe a bit more. I ran out and I cannot get any here in the good old USofA since I have no doctor. And as much as I wish it would, popping a bunch of Advil does nothing. Le sigh.

When I go back home, I am fucking stocking up or something. .______.;;

oh god it hurts, meme, drugs, icons, random, pain

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