☆ blogga please!

Feb 11, 2008 14:19

Dear LiveJournal,

Please stop logging me out all the time so that I cannot read my friends' entries. I click the 'remember me' button for a reason, mk?

No love,

...I think 'Blogga Please' is my new favorite saying. X______x;

Anyway. Let's go back to SuperBowl Sunday because I fail at making entries for a moment because despite having to watch Football it was a pretty shocking day all-in-all. So, we (Jeremy, Leslie and I) were on the way to Patti's house to watch the game with her, Tom and Justin when Leslie tells us she needs to hit up a bank in order to get money to pay half for the pizza we're ordering and whatnot. So we eventually find a Suntrust branch and turn in to get to the ATM. So we're following this white car and all of a sudden it stops and the woman in the car is pointing out her window and freaking out at us. And we're like "wth?" so we turn to look and bam. Like outta no where there's this guy sitting on the sidewalk, his legs are spread out and he's lurched forward with his head down as if he's dead or something. Needless to say we understood why the woman was freaked. So like the good Samaritans we are yeah right! we drive by and go to the ATM just a bit freaked out by the whole thing. Yeah yeah I know, "fomg you guys are assholes." Well neither one of us has a cell phone and none of us carries change for a payphone (which we probably should.) And like hell were we getting out of the car to potentially put our prints on a dead guy, OK? OK. So we drove back around to make sure the lady didn't have a heart attack or anything and she'd stopped another person who luckily had a cell phone to use. So we stopped for a moment to make sure everything was in order and she told us that she had honked at the "dead guy" and he hadn't even budged. Anyway we left just before the Ambulance, Fire Rescue, and Cops showed up. If he was just a dude drunk they probably arrested him which is sad, but.. So it goes. Felt bad about not really helping but.. Well what could we have done? No cell and no money for a payphone wouldn't be much help. Anyway, we got to Patti's and the team Leslie and I were going for (Giants) actually won. We were pleased. :3

...Moving on.

We went to babysit Isaac Saturday, that was just another complicated piss-off in it's own wonderful, marvelous way. So Aaron and Ginger had to move out of their place again and are staying with Ginger's fucking literally insane sister, Renee. As it went, everyone was supposed to be going to Aaron's concert and we were going to be at Renee's house alone taking care of the baby. At that, I was not thrilled. I don't like Renee and I probably never will like Renee, she's a nuisance and she's quite literally fucked in the head. She's already ruined her own three kids I'm kind of worried about the baby being there but that's an entirely different subject in it's own. Anyway, so despite not being impressed about having to be at Renee's house, I went along because I haven't seen the baby since Christmas and we really wanted too. So Saturday we were St. Pete's bound in order to see the childs. Well, when we got there Renee was screaming her head off about something or other (apparently she was angry that Ginger woke her up AT FUCKING NOON - to ask her a simply 'yes' or 'no' question) and due to her being pissed off this changed the entirety of our plans. She wasn't going to the concert which meant we'd be alone with the baby with her? Fuck that. So Ginger called her friend Michelle and we went there to watch Isaac. Michelle has a two year old named Tommy - who is absolutely adorable. Anyway, we went there and she (Michelle) went out shopping and whatnot - very trusting woman, Michelle. Her husband Chris stayed home with Olan and watched Tommy while we watched Isaac.

Apparently, Renee has been telling Ginger that if she (Ginger) and Aaron want to move out they can but they can't take Isaac with them because she seems to think Ginger is an unfit mother. My reaction was basically "She can't do that, Ginger." But whatever. And GINGER is NOTHING compared to RENEE. Ginger is a GREAT mother. Granted, she's a bit of a retard when it comes to feeding Isaac rofl, potential allergies to pepper and salt MY ASS but yanno. And then she told me that Michelle had offered to take in them and the baby and she chose Renee over Michelle? I think something is drastically wrong there. It's not my life, I know - but the kid is my nephew and despite her strange decision to stay at her sister's house I do love Ginger and Aaron - they just can't keep money in order and can't seem to understand that they have a kid and CAN'T KEEP GETTING KICKED OUT OF PLACES TO LIVE. H'oi. They should have taken up that offer from Michelle, HOPEFULLY it's still standing. Christ. x.x In the end though, I guess I sort of made a new friend? It's just too bad it takes like an hour or two to get to where my "friends" are.

Eh, the only other thing I can think of is a; I got my license down here, and the car is insured. And b; cleaning is made of fail ;.; There's some guy coming to the house today to look at stuff because Leslie wants to remodel some stuff in the house and whatnot so we had to make the house look pretti.

Also: 24 more Days. :D

Aside the usual "I can has fail at LJ" I have nothing else to say.♥

cleaning, pissed off, countdown to family, football, wtf, superbowl, wth, isaac, remodeling

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