So yesterday was my "birthday" to make up for Jeremy's being at school all day on my real birthday. So! Tuesday night I got something in the mail from Dan, and it was a $40 Gift Card MasterCard. Well, that got spend in a jiffy on Wednesday morning when I went out with Jeremy and bought a hamster. (I'll put his pictures up afterwards.) His name is Buddy and he's kinda of a nervous little fart, but he's an acrobat too. xD; Anyways.
So last night I went with Jeremy to his school cause he had some mandatory thing he had to go to for his classes, and after that was over we went to a mall where we were going to go ice skating but I a] forgot to take my knee's pain killers and b] it was full of kids taking skating lessons so we wouldn't have been able to go anyway. So instead I went to buy a card for Leslie's birthday which was a be-lated card, but I think she liked it anyway. I feel bad that we didn't get her a gift, after she went and got me one, but .. I have no money so. :: shrugs ::
We wandered around the mall for a good few hours, and before we bought anything really, we went to eat in the food court. Wendy's, yum. =p (Who didn't see that coming?) Eventually we made out way into F.Y.E. a music/entertainment store and Jerermy bought the DVD Spaceballs as my birthday gift and something by The Tangent for himself. All in all, I had a really fun time just hanging out. No special parties or anything, just getting to go out with him and be a couple. Fun stuff - it's all I really wanted anyway.
I had also gotten a card from Nanny, and Leslie. And Leslie bought me two coffee mugs, a His and Hers kind of thing for Jeremy and I. They're really pretty, I like 'em. It was sweet of her to buy them, but she totally didn't have too. Manda wished me a happy birthday, and so did everyone at home. I got like, three eCards from my cousin Jillian, lol. And my parents are sending me a card, and whatnot, but they haven't had time to do it just yet - which is fine 'cause I just bought their Anniversary card last night. (Their Anniversary is on the same day as my birthday.) And sooner or later I'll send it out to them, lol.
Hum. I think that's about it. So like I promised, here's some pictures of Buddy. They haven't been resized cause I lack Photoshop and I hate using paint. x_X
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It seems that I get bored very easily, and as such I tend to either search the net for pictures to make a layout with for my character journals on Greatest Journal, or for this one. And sometimes I scavenge on
premade_ljs for some to use. Well, again I've made a layout change. Poor Jeremy never has the choice of what the layout is, haha. But anyway, again I've changed the layout. I like this one, it's cutesy but it's sweet ass colors for upcoming fall. Heh. Anyways, boredom somewhat overcome I'll go back to TV.
For the record: Matlock rules. I'm probably the only young person that loves 'Murder, She Wrote' and 'Matlock'. I totally rule. ☺