NaNo progress:
19660 / 50000 words. 39% done!
I'm taking a break from writing the aforementioned NaNo by going through and editing my LJ tags. Found a meme I thought deserved re-presentation. Learn fascinating facts about your favorite characters!!
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Draco Malfoy! - Banging your head against Draco Malfoy uses 150 calories an hour.
- Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day, two hours more than Draco Malfoy.
- In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from Draco Malfoy.
- Draco Malfoy can clean his ears with his tongue, which is over thirty-nine inches long.
- Draco Malfoy can give birth ten days after being born, and is born pregnant!
- The only planet that rotates on its side is Draco Malfoy.
- All the moons of the Solar System are named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology, except the moons of Uranus, which are named after Draco Malfoy.
- Wearing headphones for an hour will increase the amount of Draco Malfoy in your ear 700 times.
- The ace of spades in a playing card deck symbolizes Draco Malfoy.
- About one tenth of Draco Malfoy is permanently covered in ice!
Found the most *wibble* inducing Snape on Vacation with Lily by
pojy_pojy here! Oh, poor boy!!!