I am home from the hospital with my absolutely beautiful baby boy.
His name is Logan Aubrey and he was 7lbs and 15ozs. He was 20 and a half inches long.
He was born on July 3rd at 3:10pm. He has slate-colored eyes and dark blonde/light brown hair.
And the birth story:
I went into Labor and Delivery Sunday morning because I was having excessive discahrge and thought maybe my water had broken. They kept me on a monitor for 30 minutes and noticed I was having regular contractions, but had not changed from 1-2cm dilated. Soo, I went home.
That night I began having painful contractions around 7. Aubrey got home at 9 and we hung around the house 'til midnight. At that point I was having what I thought were very painful contractions, so we went to the hospital.
They kept me on the monitors forever. I was having contractions every 3 minutes, but my cervix wasn't changing. Sooo, they sent me home at 4:30a.m. Yeah. Sent me home... in labor.
I was bawling. The lady told me to go home and take a warm bath and just hang out 'til I couldn't breathe through my contractions.
We got home and I went upstairs to take that bath. I was in sooooo much pain in the tub. I was screaming through the contractions. I got out of the tub and decided I was going to try and go to sleep. It wasn't successful. I would rest and then as soon as a contraction came on (every 2-3 minutes at this point) I would just yell and yell.
7am and we headed BACK to the hospital. I was bawling through the contractions at this point. They kept me in triage 'til 10am. I was cussing like a sailor. I had convinced myself they were punishing me for coming to L&D so many times. I am sorry if I am scaring some of you... but jesus! It hurt.
My doc finally showed up and checked me. I was at 4cm, 90% effaced, and 0 station. Yeah. I was in pain. So they put me in a labor and delivery suite and in came my epidural man. I love him. I really really do. He is the best! He told me everything he was doing and was great at it. It tickled. I had a hard time staying still while he was putting the numbing medicine in because it tickled so much. The epidural was great.
After I had that it was smooth sailing.
They started pitocin at 5cm and I was ready to push at 2:45. The nurse had come in 10 minutes before and told me I was at 8cm and to tell her when I began to feel the contractions again and pressure. She had left to get me some ice and when she came back I told her I was feeling some pain and a lot of pressure. She checked me and I was crowning!! Amazing. My whole family was in the waiting room eating Krystal burgers. They got called back in. My mom, Stacey, Victoria (my sisters) and Aubrey were all in the room for delivery. My doc took his damn time getting there. The nurses were having to hold the baby in kinda through each contraction. I laughed a couple times and that almost delivered his head so I was on a strict NO LAUGING rule. Ha.
The doc came in at 3 and I pushed for 10 minutes. Well... not even that long because most of that time was spent letting Logan's head sit and stretch.
Doc delivered the head and Aubrey delivered the rest of him. He laid him on my stomach and cut the cord. I bawled, Logan bawled... everyone else was ALL smiles. My dad and my brother came in as soon as Doc was done giving me my TWO stitches (that's it!) and cleaned everything up.
So yea. That's how it all went down. I have NO idea how women do that naturally. After the epidural, everything was great!
Here's some pictures!!!
Stacey and Mom awaiting Logan's arrival.
Me in labor talking to someone... well... I don't consider that in labor because at that point I had my epidural! :)
Logan asleep in his boppy pillow.
Logan chilling in his hospital crib. He was the only baby in the nursery with a tie-dye onesie! :)
Also, here is
the link to check out his hospital photo and other info. User name is 1752 and password is beal06.