
Feb 01, 2007 13:03

I dreamt I was in an SUV with a few other people driving through the country. we passed a house. two kids and a dad in the yard. the kids started screaming that a bear was on the roof. the dad was shooting it. the bear was so huge that the bullets didn't matter. he started attacking the man and then running after him. he then started running after our car. he was GIGANTIC!!! it was so scary because he was really close to getting us. somehow we got the dad into our car while we were still driving. the bear would not let up. I was freaked out. we were following directions to get somewhere specific and the directions called for us to go through a road that had a steep hill alongside it. the bear was smart and ran up the hill, trying to find a good spot to jump on us. it was so frightening. luckily the bear missed and fell into a ravine or something but thats when the dream changed and the bear went through some weird factory where they did something strange to it to make it mellow or something...and the bear had bear cubs that were asian and an asian bear wife (not pandas) :-p

anyway, yeah, strange one. last night was a strange one too. I got a job at a movie theater but didn't realise that on my third day I was to supervise and clean up after a banquet/movie. I was supposed to be prepared for it but wasn't and there was a ton of crap to clean up and no matter how fast I cleaned there was still more until I ran out of time and got in trouble from my boss and she almost fired me. it was a stressful dream.

I also dreamt that my grandpa died and two days later came back to life only to die again...it was a horrible dream. I cried a lot

I don't know whats up with my dreams but they are stressing me out at night
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