(no subject)

Dec 17, 2010 12:08

Edgar Parker has graduated. He is brilliant and has a good future ahead of him.

I will stay and see this Christmas for myself.

I do not understand why a fat man in a red suit is meant to bring gifts to mortals, but I will simply chalk it down to another instance of you dressing up to amuse yourself, Father.

For Edgar: I'd like him to find happiness and acceptance and a partner where he goes. And for him to end up in Elysium when his life is over.

For Armand: I want the garden to remain as it is now even with me gone, free of the normal limitations placed upon it by the seasons. And personally give him a lily of the valley plant that will always bloom for him even when he is not aboard the barge.

For Howie: Acceptance. A palm plant that was so important to his culture. Good whiskey, as well. Perhaps something that blocks electricity.

For Spike: A sign from home that things are all right, and something important to him returned.

For Kay: A note from his daughter, reaffirming that she is alright. If possible, I'd like for him to actually be able to see and touch her, if only for a moment.

For Coyo: Chocolate liquor as such as we've had that time. A Venus fly trap and flies because it will amuse her when she can feed it meat and what not.

For my brother: The ability to listen, and some fresh fruit.

For my sister: The ability to behave herself with people here but not Howie and some of this new fabulous chocolate from port.

For myself: My deal without any repercussions for the mortals as you have promised.

dear father, edgar, persephone takes winter personally, persephone is confused by mortals

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