October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Oct 01, 2006 23:49

Because I like to be helpful and also participate in fun charity-type drives, I'm a participant in this year's Blogger Boobie-thon. That means, my friends, somewhere behind that $50 donation vault door are pictures of my breasts, which are thusfar cancer free. Hopefully, if I ever develop breast cancer, it will be caught early and easily treatable.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't realize they have breast cancer until it's too late, and though it's treatable in its early stages (like cervical cancer), it can become deadily quickly. So while you're oogling the lovely clothed and unclothed boobies over at Boobie-thon, do remember to do a monthly self breast exam, remind your loved ones over 40 to get mamograms yearly, and don't forget that men are at risk for breast cancer, as well.

Proceeds from Boobie-thon go to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

Oh, by the way, if you missed it, there are BOOBIES in this entry.

feminism, boobies, plea for help

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