Title: Protégé: Vigil
Authors: Persephone_Kore and Dreagoddess
Timeframe: Post-TPM
Characters: Anakin, Dooku, Palpatine, others
Genre: General, AU
Keywords: Dooku, Anakin, training
Summary: Sequel to "Protégé: Chosen" and "Protégé: Padawans." Dooku has continued training Anakin... and the Sith Master is looking for a new apprentice.
Previously in series:
http://persephone-kore.livejournal.com/tag/protege Prologue
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It all seemed so natural in the beginning. The disillusioned Jedi, freshly bitter from the pointless slaughter of Galidraan, and the idealistic Senator, full of ideas about freeing the Senate of corruption. What could be more natural than the casual exchange of a few pleasantries, the extension of that to a conversation or three about how the corruption and pointless bureaucracy could be refined?
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When such a short time later the Jedi's apprentice was suddenly and tragically killed, the Senator would naturally seek out the Jedi to offer his condolences, to talk about what a waste it was of such a fine life. Surely something could be done to keep future missions from beinng overwhelmed in such a horrific way.
Beep beep beep
And once that basis was laid, of course they would make time for some conversation after the Jedi and his new apprentice were instrumental in freeing the Senator's homeworld from the threat of the Sith. Naturally, their conversation would turn to the newly deposed Chancellor and the allegations of corruption, the pointless bureaucracy that had been unable to intervene before it was almost too late. Only the intervention of the Jedi had helped this time, and that had so nearly not been enough.
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And of course, it was only natural that the Senator would be interested in the boy who had led the space battle to defeat the powerful Trade Federation and was now his old friend's new apprentice. It was politeness that had him enquiring after the apprentice's progress whenever he just happened to run across the Jedi. And it was only the Senator's newfound duties that had him meeting the Jedi more and more. It was only the vantage point of that new position that let him see how deeply the corruption ran, and that led him to condole about it more and more with the Jedi.
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With everything so very natural and explainable, it was perhaps difficult for the Jedi to pinpoint just what gave him that slight premonition of disquiet when the Senator began yet again enquiring after his apprentice and encouraging the Jedi to bring him more often to the Senate.
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It was even more difficult for the other Jedi to explain what had happened, when the apprentice's frantic screaming and over-extended bond led them to the Jedi, lying unresponsive and half-electrocuted in one of the local parks where he said he would be meeting a friend.
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In the end, it was the apprentice left alone in the infirmary with the Jedi, listening to the quiet beeping of the life-support machines. Left to wonder what happened to his master, and if he would wake up.
Beep beep beep